
SanyscorpSanyscorp Member Posts: 36
Stryfe got veey good animation and super cool hard look ,please increase his damage output he reallly looks weak in his attack and his mechanism is hard to use he really needs a strong buff


  • Marvel2289Marvel2289 Member Posts: 1,008 ★★★
    Bruh, Stryfe is a god tier, just watch some videos on how too use him
  • Alfa_PigeonAlfa_Pigeon Member Posts: 273 ★★

    She needs a buff WAY more, came out the same month, just pulled her while other ally mates pull CGR and Doom, Prof X during the same week. She came out after Apoc and is a complete DUD of a champ. As KT 1 said, Jubilee is "mediocre incarnate," can get stuff done if you are doing act 5 or below. Jubilee definitely need a buff and not Stryfe. At least KT has Stryfe is ranked as the 3rd best champ released this year so far. Although I don't see either anywhere as useful as a Mags, Colossus, or AA.
  • ReignkingTWReignkingTW Member Posts: 2,774 ★★★★★

    I don't know how you got stryfe then but welcome to MCOC we have things called ramp up champs who don't obliterate a whole path in one blow.

    Seriously tho he has damage and great utility what else you want.

    He was added to the basic pool at the beginning of the month. I was lucky enough to pull him 4 days later.
  • Shock29Shock29 Member Posts: 644 ★★★
    edited July 2021

    She needs a buff WAY more, came out the same month, just pulled her while other ally mates pull CGR and Doom, Prof X during the same week. She came out after Apoc and is a complete DUD of a champ. As KT 1 said, Jubilee is "mediocre incarnate," can get stuff done if you are doing act 5 or below. Jubilee definitely need a buff and not Stryfe. At least KT has Stryfe is ranked as the 3rd best champ released this year so far. Although I don't see either anywhere as useful as a Mags, Colossus, or AA.

    Jubilee is ranked, at least to me, in the top half of this year’s champs though definitely not better than Stryfe or Shang-Chi. She is honestly kinda underrated and in no need of a buff nor is she a dud. If you wanna say a champ is horribly mediocre, then talk about the Overseer.
  • Alfa_PigeonAlfa_Pigeon Member Posts: 273 ★★
    Shock29 said:

    She needs a buff WAY more, came out the same month, just pulled her while other ally mates pull CGR and Doom, Prof X during the same week. She came out after Apoc and is a complete DUD of a champ. As KT 1 said, Jubilee is "mediocre incarnate," can get stuff done if you are doing act 5 or below. Jubilee definitely need a buff and not Stryfe. At least KT has Stryfe is ranked as the 3rd best champ released this year so far. Although I don't see either anywhere as useful as a Mags, Colossus, or AA.

    Jubilee is ranked, at least to me, in the top half of this year’s champs though definitely not better than Stryfe or Shang-Chi. She is honestly kinda underrated and in no need of a buff nor is she a dud. If you wanna say a champ is horribly mediocre, then talk about Overseer
    Those were KT1's assessment of Jubilee, and frankly I agree, she doesn't impress anywhere or you would use her over an Apoc, Mags, AA, or Colossus or use any resources on her, a dud of a champ. Coming out after APoc, she falls woefully short and is pretty useless in comparison. KT1 also ranked Overseer over Jublilee in his rankings 2021 champ rankings.
  • Shock29Shock29 Member Posts: 644 ★★★
    edited July 2021

    Shock29 said:

    She needs a buff WAY more, came out the same month, just pulled her while other ally mates pull CGR and Doom, Prof X during the same week. She came out after Apoc and is a complete DUD of a champ. As KT 1 said, Jubilee is "mediocre incarnate," can get stuff done if you are doing act 5 or below. Jubilee definitely need a buff and not Stryfe. At least KT has Stryfe is ranked as the 3rd best champ released this year so far. Although I don't see either anywhere as useful as a Mags, Colossus, or AA.

    Jubilee is ranked, at least to me, in the top half of this year’s champs though definitely not better than Stryfe or Shang-Chi. She is honestly kinda underrated and in no need of a buff nor is she a dud. If you wanna say a champ is horribly mediocre, then talk about Overseer
    Those were KT1's assessment of Jubilee, and frankly I agree, she doesn't impress anywhere or you would use her over an Apoc, Mags, AA, or Colossus or use any resources on her, a dud of a champ. Coming out after APoc, she falls woefully short and is pretty useless in comparison. KT1 also ranked Overseer over Jublilee in his rankings 2021 champ rankings.
    He also ranks Jabari under Jubilee & Overseer, and Odin over MN. This is also one yt’s opinion compared to everyone else. She has fair utility, great damage, and some kinda nice synergies. Her downside is that she has to sacrifice damage for utility and cannot build prowess with an active firework. The Overseer does not accomplish her damage level and is thin on utility but his synergies are arguably a little better than Jubilees'. Jubilee also can build indefinte and passive prowess for longer fights while the Overseer has nothing to really set him up for fights like those. Science and Mutant are really good classes in the game and both champs are kinda wiped out by the competition within classes so its a bit unfair to try and compare Apoc and Jubilee or Overseer to Quake because Apoc and Quake are so much better. However, the Overseer has no way to deal with healing and no physical or energy resistance like many Science champs. The Overseer's SAA is slow and takes a long to ramp up. Jubilee can reach a slightly better AA and can do it faster. Jubilee can also counter evade and unstoppable, can punish purification when duped, lower combat power rate, taunt the opponent without cooldown and for longer, and does not need her awakened ability to reach peak potential like the Overseer. Overseer just has some immunties, is #XL, and some slow but ok AA as well as defensive use and regen. To me, Jubilee is better.
  • Alfa_PigeonAlfa_Pigeon Member Posts: 273 ★★
    I definitely would pick Stryfe over Jubilee, the OP thought Stryfe is bad. And no, Jubilee is not worth rank up materials, KT1 is 100% right there. Underrated is basically a term used on champs that are NOWHERE CLOSE to being as good as the top ones. I could careless if the champ is "underrated" lets be honest, we want to pull a DOMINANT mutant, useful ones like APOC, Red Mags, Colossus, AA, Omega...who the heck opens a crystal and is actually glad it is Jubilee instead of the better mutants I have listed?

  • Shock29Shock29 Member Posts: 644 ★★★
    Underrated means the champ is a lot better than most people think. I'm not going to disagree with using a better champ over another average one in the same class or wanting the top Mutants over Jubilee but she is not bad at all. By your definition of average champs and Jubilee, they all are duds and are useless, need buffs to become as good as the best, and should not be ranked up nor used in content even if they're all you have. Just because a champ is average, not quite as good as the top, or underrated, does not mean they are a dud. A dud is a champ that is worse than average or subpar in performance and sometimes has a lot of hype surrounding them or has interesting abilities or stats on paper but ends up being terrible or seriously lacking in-game. Super Skrull and Psycho-Man can both be considered duds and below average with barely any uses. To go back, just because a champ is average, does not mean they are useless and should never be ranked up. We all want to get the best champs but often a crystal may reward you with a champ like Jubilee. If she is all you have, you should use her and not discard her. You won't always have the perfect counter nor will a crystal give you the champ you want all the time. As for gladness, I know many people who would be glad they pulled Jubilee over Cyclops or be glad they got her as their first six star over other much worse options.
  • Alfa_PigeonAlfa_Pigeon Member Posts: 273 ★★
    edited July 2021
    Shock29 said:

    Underrated means the champ is a lot better than most people think. I'm not going to disagree with using a better champ over another average one in the same class or wanting the top Mutants over Jubilee but she is not bad at all. By your definition of average champs and Jubilee, they all are duds and are useless, need buffs to become as good as the best, and should not be ranked up nor used in content even if they're all you have. Just because a champ is average, not quite as good as the top, or underrated, does not mean they are a dud. A dud is a champ that is worse than average or subpar in performance and sometimes has a lot of hype surrounding them or has interesting abilities or stats on paper but ends up being terrible or seriously lacking in-game. Super Skrull and Psycho-Man can both be considered duds and below average with barely any uses. To go back, just because a champ is average, does not mean they are useless and should never be ranked up. We all want to get the best champs but often a crystal may reward you with a champ like Jubilee. If she is all you have, you should use her and not discard her. You won't always have the perfect counter nor will a crystal give you the champ you want all the time. As for gladness, I know many people who would be glad they pulled Jubilee over Cyclops or be glad they got her as their first six star over other much worse options.

    As kt1 said...sure if she is your 1st or 2nd 6*...but would not waste any cats on her since he even states at least half the class is better than her.. I would rather depend on my 5* mags than rank up a disappointing dud like jubilee who can only shine act 5 and below. Trust me I don't all about duds. My 6* roster trash and are all rank 1 except og vision. My last 3 pulls were dudhawk, trashmaster, and now "mediocre incarnate" Jubilee. I wouldn't call pulling Jubilee a "reward" as you have stated, its more like a kick between the legs when you watch ally mates pull CGR, Doom, Prof X before you.
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