
Stryfe got veey good animation and super cool hard look ,please increase his damage output he reallly looks weak in his attack and his mechanism is hard to use he really needs a strong buff
Seriously tho he has damage and great utility what else you want.
She needs a buff WAY more, came out the same month, just pulled her while other ally mates pull CGR and Doom, Prof X during the same week. She came out after Apoc and is a complete DUD of a champ. As KT 1 said, Jubilee is "mediocre incarnate," can get stuff done if you are doing act 5 or below. Jubilee definitely need a buff and not Stryfe. At least KT has Stryfe is ranked as the 3rd best champ released this year so far. Although I don't see either anywhere as useful as a Mags, Colossus, or AA.