Alliance Wars Season 28 [Merged Threads]

There are many players ranked Champ Ghost, Tigra to R3, specially for AW mini s and Bosses
The difference between true strike and true focus is clearly, QUAKE, GHOST, & TIGRA
There are champs that can stop these 3 from attacking and kabam always brings new champs to counter them.
They (3) don't have game breaking damage like CGR, the only useful skill they got is EVADE, PHASE, MISS
And you are clearly taking away their only ability
Clearly intended to stop players from using these 3 champs
The difference between true strike and true focus is clearly, QUAKE, GHOST, & TIGRA
There are champs that can stop these 3 from attacking and kabam always brings new champs to counter them.
They (3) don't have game breaking damage like CGR, the only useful skill they got is EVADE, PHASE, MISS
And you are clearly taking away their only ability
Clearly intended to stop players from using these 3 champs
Post edited by Kabam Miike on
You need to look at other important stuff
Removing champions only ability to use on boss Island
war. . . but this sort of mentality is not health for the
game. . u make great champs. . . u make insane
money selling said champs.. and then u make them
invalid in important game modes this way.. your
argument that they can bypass tricky placements is
baseless. There r plenty tricky placements for these
champ available the alliance just needs to have
MINIMAL game knowledge.. it won't affect me but this
direction you're taking on dealing with good champs
is unhealthy for the game and will impact the game in
a negative way in the long run to the point that people
will leave and the game dies..
I wish taking down quake and ghost didn’t take down other fun champs like Professor X, Elsa, tigra, Stark spidey and mr negative. Not a big fan of this choice.
Mr -ve
Prof X
Ebony maw
It's simply nerfing these champs
Better limit
True focus node to only
Tire 1 & Tire 2
Let big alliance, big guys play with it
All I've seen since then is terrible decisions to make war more stressful. I've run an alliance for more than two years and all these changes are putting me on the edge of dropping it all completely.
It's not fun. Refer back to your roadmap and make it fun.
With true focus you also **** Tigra+Prof X - Elsa - Mr.Negative and not only Ghost and Quake…
Also all those champs require skill so screwing all the good players because some **** players **** about those champs since they can’t play them…
A node that says Ghost can’t miss, and quake can’t evade, would be better than this.