thoughts on cmm, hype, and corvus

what are everyones thoughts on cmm, hype and corvus? i feel like theyre becoming less and less used.

is hype too old? or is he still a beast in endgame content?

i feel like CMM is getting less and less love because she exels in short fights and not in big healthpools. or am i wrong?

and ive heard people say that corvus is useless from 6.3 onwards but also that hes still great with boosts and suicides on.

are these champs still S tier? what will happen to them as time goes on? when will they start to become outdated?


  • Bugmat78Bugmat78 Member Posts: 2,491 ★★★★★
    I think both cmm and CG are still very useful but have their limits.

    If you can get CG to the level of 6r3 with attack and power boosts and/or divided he can still wreck plenty content outside of abyss and gauntlet health pools. His immortality is still very useful and if you are skilled enough you okay around Glaive Cool down (or timeout in AQ lol).

    CMM is good for burst fights but like CG you can build her up, bust a champ and then build her up again in the same fight if needed. The issue with her is sometimes it takes an entire fight to get her going and you need Fury to do it efficiently.

    As said above Hyperion still works in so content as everything is there and there is no limit to his bursting, which is why there's no 6* yet.
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    Corvus is my AQ clearer, and I used him in 7.1 and 7.2 some. Hyperion comes in handy a lot, such as in the monthly EQ currently. Not sure why you think CMM is only good for short fights. You can continuously repeat her binary rotation, and after one fight she’s a monster from the start of each fight. Before I pulled a 6s CGR, I used my 5/65 CMM often. Now it depends on whether poison immunity is important.

  • Thanos1149Thanos1149 Member Posts: 1,136 ★★★
    I used 4 hype in the Cav EQ, so he’s still a god. I don’t have CMM so idk about her and I mainly use my 4 star Corvus for grinding act 4 for some revives, though I wish I had higher rarities for important content. They all have their own helpful uses
  • DawsManDawsMan Member Posts: 2,169 ★★★★★
    Hype is only available as a five star, corvus is difficult to ramp up on 400k healthpools, and CMM is over shadowed by CGR and people just don't use her as much.
  • The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Member Posts: 7,804 ★★★★★
    CMM is overrated especially after CGR came along with his unbelievable damage.
  • GrandOldKaiGrandOldKai Member Posts: 796 ★★★★
    I like using Corvus but his first fight is often... slow.

    CMM can at least ramp up in her very first fight –after that, she destroys things

    AFAIK I don't have Hyperion above 3* (I may have a 4*, but he'd be r1 if so) so I can't say too much about him – though the 3* has done some decent damage with a few Fury buffs going.

    CGR is an absolute monster (I was doing 6~8k mediums with a 4/40 3* at one point) but since he's only 3* I'm not bringing him to harder content like Act 5 where block damage is killer.
  • Avengers320Avengers320 Member Posts: 684 ★★★
    Hype was a monster for me in many fights in act 6 and 7 so I'd say no. The others I don't use
  • Malreck04Malreck04 Member Posts: 3,335 ★★★★★
    Corvus' sig ability is still what makes him top 5 cosmic for me.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Jaded said:

    CMM is overrated especially after CGR came along with his unbelievable damage.

    At this point CGR is becoming overrated and cmm is a sleeper. Cmm has easier access to damage, 100% upkeep of it and better immunities. Incinerate/cold snap/shock actually help her, poison immune and when awakened takes no damage from any debuff or attack when entering max binary mode. CGR would struggle with some of the content cmm can handle, where as cmm wouldn’t struggle with anything cgr can do.

    For OP’s question, none of them are falling behind. Corvus/cmm/hypes are all amazing top tier champions.
    CGR is a weird one, because you have a group of players who think he’s the absolute best just because of his damage. So they’re overrating how important his damage is. But at the same time, you have a group of players who think he only has damage. Which simply isn’t true, he has actually a lot of utility which is ignored. And that means that his utility is underrated.

    CGR main strength is actually buff control, and people ignore just how useful it is to have the kind of uptime on fate seal that he can get.

    CMM would struggle with matchups where you wanted to nullify buffs.

    I do think CMM is awesome though, I’ve got her as a 6* and the second she gets awakened she’s gonna go to R3
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    I've had all three as rank 5 and AG'd for a long time. Hyperion is my favourite out of the three and still the best cosmic imo. Used him everywhere except the "of legends" content and alliance war. Has also been my main MVP in act 7 so far (explored that). But I don't use him much when I'm running suicides, instead resort to using Angela as my main cosmic when I'm on suicides.

    As for corvus, only use him in AQ and sector 8 of incursions when I'm running suicides, and he wrecks both with ease. As for CMM, don't use her much outside of farming milestones in sector 7 of incursions.
  • Jr_StarkJr_Stark Member Posts: 182 ★★
    Hyperion is a monster. Using him in 7.2 exploration and he just rips through opponents.

    CMM (& nick) is my all-time AQ team. Just one fight to ramp up and she will finish most matches with just 1 SP2.

    I don't have Corvus, so no idea about him.
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★

    Jaded said:

    CMM is overrated especially after CGR came along with his unbelievable damage.

    At this point CGR is becoming overrated and cmm is a sleeper. Cmm has easier access to damage, 100% upkeep of it and better immunities. Incinerate/cold snap/shock actually help her, poison immune and when awakened takes no damage from any debuff or attack when entering max binary mode. CGR would struggle with some of the content cmm can handle, where as cmm wouldn’t struggle with anything cgr can do.

    For OP’s question, none of them are falling behind. Corvus/cmm/hypes are all amazing top tier champions.
    CGR is a weird one, because you have a group of players who think he’s the absolute best just because of his damage. So they’re overrating how important his damage is. But at the same time, you have a group of players who think he only has damage. Which simply isn’t true, he has actually a lot of utility which is ignored. And that means that his utility is underrated.

    CGR main strength is actually buff control, and people ignore just how useful it is to have the kind of uptime on fate seal that he can get.

    CMM would struggle with matchups where you wanted to nullify buffs.

    I do think CMM is awesome though, I’ve got her as a 6* and the second she gets awakened she’s gonna go to R3
    I do agree that cgr utility gets less attention then it should. I have been using him on situations where Vigilance is useful. Cosmic class is probably my favourite to use. I’m definitely not trying to downplay cgr. It’s just hard to bring corvus, cgr, cmm, hypes, venom and surfer along every quest 😂.
  • Malreck04Malreck04 Member Posts: 3,335 ★★★★★

    Jaded said:

    CMM is overrated especially after CGR came along with his unbelievable damage.

    At this point CGR is becoming overrated and cmm is a sleeper. Cmm has easier access to damage, 100% upkeep of it and better immunities. Incinerate/cold snap/shock actually help her, poison immune and when awakened takes no damage from any debuff or attack when entering max binary mode. CGR would struggle with some of the content cmm can handle, where as cmm wouldn’t struggle with anything cgr can do.

    For OP’s question, none of them are falling behind. Corvus/cmm/hypes are all amazing top tier champions.
    CGR is a weird one, because you have a group of players who think he’s the absolute best just because of his damage. So they’re overrating how important his damage is. But at the same time, you have a group of players who think he only has damage. Which simply isn’t true, he has actually a lot of utility which is ignored. And that means that his utility is underrated.

    CGR main strength is actually buff control, and people ignore just how useful it is to have the kind of uptime on fate seal that he can get.

    CMM would struggle with matchups where you wanted to nullify buffs.

    I do think CMM is awesome though, I’ve got her as a 6* and the second she gets awakened she’s gonna go to R3
    I'm not gonna say that CGR can't do complicated fights, because Youtubers have shown that he can, which is exactly the problem for me. Those YTers had a purpose, and that was to display that he can be used in non-ideal matchups. I don't want to spend so much time thinking about and planning for a single fight when I can just use champs whose damage ramp ups are much more passive, and go with the flow of the fight. This is why I prefer to use CGR in fights where I don't have to bother with the defenders abilities, and I can have fun with him.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,458 ★★★★★

    DrZola said:

    There’s a good reason why his 6* hasn’t been released…it would decimate things.
    Dr. Zola

    I don’t know if that is necessarily true, if every champ that wasn’t released as a 6* was crazy good then maybe I’d put more stock into it, but I can’t see Hyperion destroying things too crazily as a 6* rank 3 considering how he is as a rank 2 equivalent. Essentially it’s just a fully boosted r5 Hyp, and that’s awesome yeah, but not game breaking.

    There’s better champs released as 6*, and worse champs not released as 6*.

    I mean you look at Blade, Wolverine, Sparky, Scarlet witch, magik, Ghost rider and Voodoo. They currently aren’t available as 6*, and none of them are game breaking. (I’ve excluded quake because, well, shes quake). Hyperion is great, but he’s not so amazingly broken that he shouldn’t be released as a 6*
    What separates Hypo from those other champs in my view is his blend of innate power gain and damage potential (ignoring immunity and regen, which is often forgotten).

    I’m not sure any of those others combines a package similar to Hypo. On individual aspects, sure—Starky on the damage, Blade/Wolverine with regen. Others have DoT like he does.

    None really have power gain like Hypo, and apart from GR incinerate immunity/Blade resistances, none of the others possess immunity to anything. On a lot of current nodes, he’s just a no-brainer answer that solves everything.

    It’s the mix of abilities that makes Hypo special. R3 health pools and attack ratings would make him quite the sustainable wrecking ball. Doesn’t mean he’s broken—just that a R3 (or even R4) would be ridiculous in game.

    Dr. Zola
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