Please, pretty please?
With so much “trash talk” (all in good fun) out there in global chat. I think it would be crazy to send another online player a dual request (similar to incursion) and slug it out live. Not just from your alliance or friends list or the AI playing on the person behalf, but a dual against an actual online player. I noticed so much “trash talk” (all in good fun) in global chat that I thought this would be awesome to send someone Online a “dual challenge request”. I think you’d see a massive acceptance of this idea. Here’s how I’d like to see it but I’d also use it without reward given. My sons play and they want to to fight me live. But best option I have is incursion with them so this would be cool for that too.
- Player sends dual request to an online player. Can be anyone who is online or was online recently. If player is no longer online when they return a “Live Dual Request” will be in there inbox. Maybe a 24hr window option?
- Both champions would have to be close enough is power by reason. Maybe if the matchup is really one sided the lesser powerful player can have an “I agree option ” if he chooses to use a “questionable champ”.
- The Dual request recipient gets to pick his champion first. NOT THE PERSON SENDING REQUEST.
-Entry for Dual- there should be a entry fee for this. Like 25k gold or something That the winner gets the entry pot.
- “Ante up “ option- this part would be sweet. once agreed to match up players would be allow to choose a “trash talk bet” or “ante up”. This would be optional. Players would be able to pic from a 10 items from their inventory (to start- maybe full inventory list at some point if possible) ie. the dual sending player would be able to send an “ante up” ie. 10 tiles, shards, free gift, iso, catalyst, alphas, really anything. But hard to find options should be included.
“Best 2 of 3” after the first fight. Or at the very beginning of a 1 fight match (sent by the dual sending player)
I WOULD REALLY LIKE TO SEE A “PINK SLIP OPTION” Where the winner gets that players Champ. (This would not give winner of a champ a “dupe Benefit” if he has that champ already. But if the player doesn’t have that champ yet. Well.. shouldn’t have been so cocky. Now that’s his champ and you won’t see his in your roster next time… PLEASE MAKE THIS ONE HAPPEN! I understand there may be some cry babies that email and complain. So a wavier or agreement would have to be in place and if possible a age restriction might be beneficial. So Kabaam doesn’t catch too much heat from the cry baby looser.
Even if there is no rewards or options. A live dual is needed. Let’s make this happen
With so much “trash talk” (all in good fun) out there in global chat. I think it would be crazy to send another online player a dual request (similar to incursion) and slug it out live. Not just from your alliance or friends list or the AI playing on the person behalf, but a dual against an actual online player. I noticed so much “trash talk” (all in good fun) in global chat that I thought this would be awesome to send someone Online a “dual challenge request”. I think you’d see a massive acceptance of this idea. Here’s how I’d like to see it but I’d also use it without reward given. My sons play and they want to to fight me live. But best option I have is incursion with them so this would be cool for that too.
- Player sends dual request to an online player. Can be anyone who is online or was online recently. If player is no longer online when they return a “Live Dual Request” will be in there inbox. Maybe a 24hr window option?
- Both champions would have to be close enough is power by reason. Maybe if the matchup is really one sided the lesser powerful player can have an “I agree option ” if he chooses to use a “questionable champ”.
- The Dual request recipient gets to pick his champion first. NOT THE PERSON SENDING REQUEST.
-Entry for Dual- there should be a entry fee for this. Like 25k gold or something That the winner gets the entry pot.
- “Ante up “ option- this part would be sweet. once agreed to match up players would be allow to choose a “trash talk bet” or “ante up”. This would be optional. Players would be able to pic from a 10 items from their inventory (to start- maybe full inventory list at some point if possible) ie. the dual sending player would be able to send an “ante up” ie. 10 tiles, shards, free gift, iso, catalyst, alphas, really anything. But hard to find options should be included.
“Best 2 of 3” after the first fight. Or at the very beginning of a 1 fight match (sent by the dual sending player)
I WOULD REALLY LIKE TO SEE A “PINK SLIP OPTION” Where the winner gets that players Champ. (This would not give winner of a champ a “dupe Benefit” if he has that champ already. But if the player doesn’t have that champ yet. Well.. shouldn’t have been so cocky. Now that’s his champ and you won’t see his in your roster next time… PLEASE MAKE THIS ONE HAPPEN! I understand there may be some cry babies that email and complain. So a wavier or agreement would have to be in place and if possible a age restriction might be beneficial. So Kabaam doesn’t catch too much heat from the cry baby looser.
Even if there is no rewards or options. A live dual is needed. Let’s make this happen
•The pink slip option is just begging to be exploited by mercs let alone people who want to power up their second or third accounts. Also nobody in the right mind would ever want to put up their rarest champ in order to prove their superiority. The only people who would really ever even be foolish enough to accept the pink slip challenge are noobs and that alone ensures it's not even remotely a fair fight.
•As mentioned before there is also a discussion about Mastery setups and whether or not they should even be used in order to ensure the absolute fairness of the fight.
•Not to mention the reality that we're already having issues with the servers with Alliance events so the amount of data required to activate a live PVP could cause cataclysmic failure if we're not careful.
Maybe somewhere down the road a version of PVP could exist but you'd have to start off slowly and ensure a fair fight and try to avoid any exploitative aspects otherwise you're going to have a lot of peeved-off people in the community.