Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Looking for a gold Alliance

Hi, looking for a gold team. Coming back after 2 months retirement. (2 seasons ago I was a bk in P3 and an officer)

In game : Alita Angel
Line : Alita Angel


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    VaincentVaincent Posts: 16
    Still looking
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    CangaceiroCangaceiro Posts: 429
    Is your line AlitaAngel together ? Because I can’t find separate
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    VaincentVaincent Posts: 16
    Try in game. You're not the first one who can't find me on line
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    swmcswswmcsw Posts: 249 ★★
    You still looking? We run 3 bgs in aw during season, take off-season off. 3 bgs in AQ. Hit about 250+ every week. Sitting at high gold 2 in AW. Swagzmcswaggin is my ingame/ line name if we sound like a fit
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    DaBillsDaBills Posts: 648
    Hey sent you a friend request in game. We are Gold 1. Run Map 5 with epic mods. You can contact me on line at DaBills, or contact Demosthenesff. Thanks!
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    xDeThDealerxDeThDealer Posts: 21
    Hit me up! XDeTHDealer in America alliance name DeTH Maruaders. We run minimum of 555 in aq 225 to 250+ million points. And Gold 1 in war! Looking for strong players to replace a few good ones leaving. Have immediate spot open.. line id jdmac_palehorse
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    xDeThDealerxDeThDealer Posts: 21
    Was supposed to say in game alliance name lol
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