The Mutant Villain team is the best synergy team in the game and it isn't even close

Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★

It's a strong title, I know. And I don't say the Mutant Villain team can handle every piece of content. No team can. But I do believe in the current state of the game, there are few others that synergizes this good. The mutant class is stacked with insane champions, so mix them and you get an almost unstoppable force.

The Mutant Villain synergy team has six members. I'm well aware, there are only five spots in your team, but that's a positive thing: there are three core members, and three optional members. You can pick-and-choose which team you want to form. Plus, for arena's you need use trios anyway, so you've always two teams ready.



Does the Big Bad Daddy of all Mutants require an introduction? Evolving immunity, high burst damage, 100% anti-debuff purification, stun-on-block and good debuff damage and utility. He's arguably the best champion of 2020 and on everyone's most wanted list. No mutant team is complete without him!


With himself: gains +15% attack rating for every Mutant on the team excluding himself. With a full team this should be +60% attack rating.

With Mr. Sinister: starts the first fight in a quest with maximum Genetic Code. This should make you able to jump right in.

With Stryfe: activating special attack 1 or 2 increases the potency of personal burst damage by +25%, this can stack up to +300% max. Especially in longer fights this can add-up to totally wreck the opponent.


Apocalypse might be the best new champion of 2020, old Mag's is the best reworked champion of 2020. If it's metal, it's doomed. Passive heal block. -70 AAR. Ignores auto-block and miss. Ignore class disadvantage and gain heavy attack. 50% perfect block chance. 90% reduced bleed/shock potency. Many potent Prowess buffs. Total destruction after one SP3.


With Apocalypse: +115 Critical Damage Rating. Just a nice boost to more Big Yellow Numbers!

With Omega Red: +12% attack rating during special attacks for all mutants. Magneto will hit even harder thanks to this synergy, and so does anybody else of the mutant villain team.

With Sabretooth: knocking the opponent down has a 100% chance to inflict a 12 second Heal Block debuff, while magnetized this becomes a Heal Block passive. A nice piece of extra utility, as you can shut down any and all regen, regardless the Metal tag.

Mister Sinister

Probably the weakest member of the synergy. At the time of writing, Mister Sinister had no buff, but who knows? Besides being a synergy piece for Apocalypse, Mister Sinister has some quirky pieces of utility. He can transfer buffs, pause some debuffs while charging a heavy attack, immunity to taunt and reverse controls, block unblockable special attacks, heal critical hits and has access to a strong concussion and power leech.


With Apocalypse: degeneration debuffs have +50% potency. A nice bonus, but nothing game changing (unlike Cable or Kang).

With Magneto: all mutants gain +20% Passive Fury when fighting with Class Disadvantage. Yes, you read that correctly: all mutants! But mainly, this boosts Magneto's damage against Tech Metal champions even further.


Omega Red

He's still one of the best mutants, although he needs his awakened ability, high sig and suicides to be really good. Anyway, poison immune and bleed resistant, tentacle hits reduce passive damage effects while struck by 100%, purify reduction up till 100% per death spore, degeneration damage due to death spores, death field and degeneration debuff, life steal at SP1 and power steal at SP3.


With Sabretooth: death spores inflict +30% faster and are removed +30% slower. This will help Omega Red greatly.


Technically not a villain, but we all know the only reason he doesn't have the tag is because of Blade back in the day. Sabretooth is a middle-of-the-road mutant, not something I would be overly excited about, but not a bad champion either. Some nice piece of utility (coldsnap and frostbite immune), regeneration, bleeds, passive fury and armor break (against Skill champions). He's the least essential member of the team, but if you don't have the newer champions he will suffice.


With Magneto: Magneto and Sabretooth start the fight with a Fury buff against Mutant champions. A nice bonus, but not really essential.

With Omega Red: Basic Claw hits have a 30% chance to inflict a Bleed debuff, dealing 40% Attack Rating over 4 seconds as direct damage. This allows for even more damage and this synergizes well with the Despair and Deep Wounds masteries.


So far, he is easily in the top 5 of the best champions of 2021, and maybe only worse than Shang-Chi and Hercules. Like Omega Red, his psionic blasts reduce passive direct damage effects by 100%, but also cannot be evaded. His Telepathic Charges increase attack rating and can be converted to Persistent Charges with the SP3 or 70% of them at max sig. Stryfe can remove Unstoppable effects (at the expense of 2 Telepathic Charges) and can inflict a concussion debuff, making unblockable attacks blockable and removing Mordo's astral evade (but he can already do that with his psionic blasts). His SP1 inflict a Shock passive that is reapplied with every psionic blast. The SP2 has increased attack rating per Telepathic Charge and deals burst damage, +80% potency while the opponent is shocked.


With Apocalypse: the final hit of the SP2 pauses all shock effects for 4 seconds. This allows for a more relaxed gameplay.

With Mister Sinister: +155 Critical Hit Rating. Just a nice boost to more Big Yellow Numbers!


The mutant villain synergy team is not only good because each team member synergizes well with the others, but also because it is very diverse. You will have a team that covers a lot of ground and can take on a wide variety of nodes and tricky defenders: biohazard, mix master or mesmerize, passive damage-on-hit, psychic shielding, unblockable, safeguard, miss and auto-block, regeneration,...

Don't believe me? Try it out!


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  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★

    But why bring Mr sinister over cable? The Magneto synergy seems nice but Magneto will still dominate all non guardian tech champs anyway. Cable still allows you to make an instant horseman and his degen damage is crazy. I don't see why making other mutants better against tech is important when you already have magneto.

    It's a matter of time before Mr. Sinister gets a buff. In terms of utility, he's much better than Cable. Cable is a one-trick guy: spam heavy and apply degen. He has literally nothing else in his kit that makes him exciting and his damage is so good he won't get a buff soon.
  • TitoBandito187TitoBandito187 Member Posts: 2,072 ★★★★

    But why bring Mr sinister over cable? The Magneto synergy seems nice but Magneto will still dominate all non guardian tech champs anyway. Cable still allows you to make an instant horseman and his degen damage is crazy. I don't see why making other mutants better against tech is important when you already have magneto.

    It's a matter of time before Mr. Sinister gets a buff. In terms of utility, he's much better than Cable. Cable is a one-trick guy: spam heavy and apply degen. He has literally nothing else in his kit that makes him exciting and his damage is so good he won't get a buff soon.
    Huh, I guess regen, power gain, poison resistance and incinerate dot on top of the crazy degen isn't utility. Good to finally know that.

    "A matter of time" for Mr. Sinister update.... That could be years, keep waiting if that's what you want to do, but I'm playing the game in the here and now. Otherwise, I should start ranking up Groot and Ms. Marvel now cause it's only a matter of time. It's a matter of time for every champs update.
  • DiplodocusDiplodocus Member Posts: 234 ★★★

    Because its the the mutant villain synergy team, Cable is a hero, duh!

    The title says "this mutant villain synergy team is the best synergy team with no other team being closer". If u replace sinister with cable than u will get even a better team.
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    edited August 2021

    But why bring Mr sinister over cable? The Magneto synergy seems nice but Magneto will still dominate all non guardian tech champs anyway. Cable still allows you to make an instant horseman and his degen damage is crazy. I don't see why making other mutants better against tech is important when you already have magneto.

    It's a matter of time before Mr. Sinister gets a buff. In terms of utility, he's much better than Cable. Cable is a one-trick guy: spam heavy and apply degen. He has literally nothing else in his kit that makes him exciting and his damage is so good he won't get a buff soon.
    Huh, I guess regen, power gain, poison resistance and incinerate dot on top of the crazy degen isn't utility. Good to finally know that.

    "A matter of time" for Mr. Sinister update.... That could be years, keep waiting if that's what you want to do, but I'm playing the game in the here and now. Otherwise, I should start ranking up Groot and Ms. Marvel now cause it's only a matter of time. It's a matter of time for every champs update.
    Regen and power gain that isn't reliable. Poison resistance that requires you to get poisoned before it works. The True Strike is at the SP3 and lasts only 11 seconds, pathetic! The only good thing is the incinerate, but there are dozens of champions who are better at this, and the Concussion, which Mr Sinister does as well.

    At base, Sinister can transfer any damaging debuff to the opponent via the SP1, pause stun debuffs while heavy charging (anti-LImber!), a fail-safe regen and quirky immunities (Taunt, Reverse Control) and block Unblockable specials. He still needs more damage and usability, but it isn't as bad to work with like Cable.

    Even with 2 buffs every month, it won't take years for Kabam to buff him. He only needs a moderate buff.
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,071 ★★★★★
    It's risky to claim that any one synergy team is better than any other. I find Doom/Red Mags/Warlock to be an excellent trio, as is Beardo/CGR/P2099.

    I don't have a 5 or 6* Professor X but when I brought a 4* along just to see how his Gateway synergy worked with Havok and OMG, it was nice. Since that requires Archangel and gives him extra bleed potency, you could also bring Apocalypse along in order to make AA a horseman and suddenly you have a tremendous team without any duds. You could fill out the last spot with either of the Magnetos, depending on which champs you need to fight.

    There are a lot of great synergies out there.
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