Additional rewards for alliance leadership

Hello. I wanted to propose to introduce additional awards for leaders and officers of alliances for Quests and Alliance Wars. Since they have to do a lot of extra work, sacrifice their own time. But despite this, the rewards are the same for those who spend several hours a day on the union, and for those who come 2-3 times a day for 15 minutes.
Because of this, most leaders and officers eventually get tired and leave for ordinary players, and the rest of the players do not want to sacrifice their personal time and do not go to the leadership.
Perhaps this is not noticeable in all categories, but in medium alliances (6-9 categories) it is very noticeable and the search for an officer can take several months, which is why the load on the rest of the leadership increases and they want to leave even more. As a result, the union may be dissolved due to the lack of 1 person.
I believe that giving additional rewards to these players will increase their desire for leadership positions. You can additionally give out a certain percentage of the main awards of the union.
I also understand that the introduction of awards will slightly change the balance of pumping and in some alliances they can start making 1 leader and 29 officers, so I think that the introduction of a limit of 4-6 officers is enough for a normal game.
P.S. I am a Russian-speaking player, so all the text was written through google translator, sorry for the mistakes, I hope the essence of my message will be clear.


  • DeadPooopDeadPooop Member Posts: 236
    Lol how about no?
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,071 ★★★★★
    I get what you're saying but I think that could lead to problems. Looking at my alliance, for example, I know that I (the leader) speak much more to some officers than others. Some are mostly there to help take the load of swapping around champs in AW defense off of those of us who are more actively monitoring the alliance itself - talking to members, seeing what's up and why they aren't playing if that happens, keeping track of people's vacations etc. It's just two very different roles, and individual officers contribute differently even within those roles.

    Do all of us deserve the same as the rest of our alliance, just because we're officers? I don't know. I see your point, but at the end of the day, nothing an officer does will matter unless the rest of the alliance actually puts up the work.

    That being said, I could potentially see a system where officers are kind of "salaried". Given specific bonuses for being officers, unrelated to the rewards that the alliance itself shares among all of its members. I think Kabam spoke of a system that would reward alliance members differently based on how long they had been in and contributed to an alliance, and this could maybe be something along those lines if we assume that most officers are people who've been with the alliance the longest and contributed the most.

    But all of this being said, I would have to see a really well-thought-out suggestion before thinking it was a good idea. I'm not saying mine is a good idea. I think that there's a real risk for internal disharmony if you start to tier up rewards within an alliance.
  • SyndicatedSyndicated Member Posts: 715 ★★★★
    edited August 2021
    So, a Boss killer that is just a member deserves less than a leader that is just another member with power?
  • PorturnaksPorturnaks Member Posts: 9
    Ercarret , I agree with you. Such a system cannot be introduced immediately, it needs to be thought over for a long time and it is desirable to test it. With this post, I rather wanted to draw attention to this problem, so that the developers would think about changing the awards depending on certain parameters.
  • Joker1976Joker1976 Member Posts: 890 ★★★
    Will never happen,..and if it did there would be reg members leaving alliances. I know for one that many of the members in the ally I am in are more active and communicate more then the majority of the officers . I have bin a officer 2 times and and “just a member” currently,..I am still the same outspoken and helpful guy , it’s just a title …and true leaders just are, no title needed .
  • PorturnaksPorturnaks Member Posts: 9
    Syndicated, An ordinary player often only plays the game itself, and the management team also has to: monitor everyone's online, distribute branches, arrange defense, look for new players. People spend their personal time on all this, so I think that they deserve a little more than ordinary players.
  • edited August 2021
    This content has been removed.
  • Alex_StewAlex_Stew Member Posts: 1
    Agree with Portunaks, to do everything as an officer for fun and charity is ok but there won’t have left any enthusiasm in a month. Everyone has jobs and other responsibilities, and when you came home after 10 hour shift and some dumbass didn’t put defence and you have to write him, wait for his answer etc., instead of spending time with your relatives is a bad situation. And you do so, because there is no one except you to do it. But why am I doing this? I’m an officer for the third time, this time because there was a question: “Or we will find a new officer or we will split up”. I don’t want to be an officer, because I don’t have any motivation for that, except our alliance will come to its end. So I really would be happy if officers will get some extras for wins, and less for losing. I don’t know about west Europe and USA players’ situation with alliances, but in east Europe it’s a huge problem.
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