Additional rewards for alliance leadership

Hello. I wanted to propose to introduce additional awards for leaders and officers of alliances for Quests and Alliance Wars. Since they have to do a lot of extra work, sacrifice their own time. But despite this, the rewards are the same for those who spend several hours a day on the union, and for those who come 2-3 times a day for 15 minutes.
Because of this, most leaders and officers eventually get tired and leave for ordinary players, and the rest of the players do not want to sacrifice their personal time and do not go to the leadership.
Perhaps this is not noticeable in all categories, but in medium alliances (6-9 categories) it is very noticeable and the search for an officer can take several months, which is why the load on the rest of the leadership increases and they want to leave even more. As a result, the union may be dissolved due to the lack of 1 person.
I believe that giving additional rewards to these players will increase their desire for leadership positions. You can additionally give out a certain percentage of the main awards of the union.
I also understand that the introduction of awards will slightly change the balance of pumping and in some alliances they can start making 1 leader and 29 officers, so I think that the introduction of a limit of 4-6 officers is enough for a normal game.
P.S. I am a Russian-speaking player, so all the text was written through google translator, sorry for the mistakes, I hope the essence of my message will be clear.
Because of this, most leaders and officers eventually get tired and leave for ordinary players, and the rest of the players do not want to sacrifice their personal time and do not go to the leadership.
Perhaps this is not noticeable in all categories, but in medium alliances (6-9 categories) it is very noticeable and the search for an officer can take several months, which is why the load on the rest of the leadership increases and they want to leave even more. As a result, the union may be dissolved due to the lack of 1 person.
I believe that giving additional rewards to these players will increase their desire for leadership positions. You can additionally give out a certain percentage of the main awards of the union.
I also understand that the introduction of awards will slightly change the balance of pumping and in some alliances they can start making 1 leader and 29 officers, so I think that the introduction of a limit of 4-6 officers is enough for a normal game.
P.S. I am a Russian-speaking player, so all the text was written through google translator, sorry for the mistakes, I hope the essence of my message will be clear.
Do all of us deserve the same as the rest of our alliance, just because we're officers? I don't know. I see your point, but at the end of the day, nothing an officer does will matter unless the rest of the alliance actually puts up the work.
That being said, I could potentially see a system where officers are kind of "salaried". Given specific bonuses for being officers, unrelated to the rewards that the alliance itself shares among all of its members. I think Kabam spoke of a system that would reward alliance members differently based on how long they had been in and contributed to an alliance, and this could maybe be something along those lines if we assume that most officers are people who've been with the alliance the longest and contributed the most.
But all of this being said, I would have to see a really well-thought-out suggestion before thinking it was a good idea. I'm not saying mine is a good idea. I think that there's a real risk for internal disharmony if you start to tier up rewards within an alliance.