Which 5* Cosmic champ to awaken and max out?

This rank up is not a matter of prestige or AW. In the monthly cavalier quests, there's that one map that has cosmic grit. Where you need to use a cosmic champ that reaches a total of either 3 fury, armor up, or precision buffs to pass. I have Medusa, Odin, and Phoenix to work with, who all produce fury. I can instantly awaken, bring to a high sig, and rank 5. Need some help with this decision. Thanks in advance!
I wouldn't bother with Phoenix, but if you do, she doesn't need her awakened ability to gain fury buffs.
Of course, that's completely up to you, but his prestige is meh and beyond sig 40, the difference is pretty negligible.
When the day comes, maybe hold some of the stones for CMM or someone else who would benefit more from a higher sig.
I mostly use Medusa for cav monthly eq and she's great for it. After the first 3 furies she gets the node buffs and it's a regular fight from there, but with lots more damage building up. I actually use her more than Hyperion and CGR for the monthly eq, just because there's no special cycle or RNG and of course, she's even better for all of the robot matchups.