Captain America WWII Rework suggestion/Idea

JonoadeloyeJonoadeloye Member Posts: 66
Captain America


Duplicate Ability: (I can do this all day)
Max sig: Captain America can block unblockable attacks and when about to be knocked out gains indestructible for 5 seconds and +120% attack for the duration of the fight.
Min sig: Captain America can block unblockable attacks and when about to be knocked out gains indestructible for 2 seconds and +45% attack for the duration of the fight.

The Shield:
- When blocking take maximum 2% health from a hit.
- Using the parry mastery with Captain America makes parry last an extra 1.8 seconds.
- 20% Chance for a block to be a perfect block reducing all damage to 0.

The Man:
- Captain America has a 20% chance to purify a debuff. Increased to 40% against mystic champions and villains.
- Captain America is immune to mind control effects. This includes indirect abilities like petrify. Ability accuracy also cannot be reduced by more than 60%
- +X Physical resistance

The Hero:
- Gain an indefinite 15% passive fury when 2% block damage cap is reached or when Capt. America perfect blocks.
- Basic shield attacks have 45% chance to armour break the opponent decreasing armour rating by x for 20 seconds.
- + 20% Critical damage rating for every fury buff.

Heavy attacks: 50% Chance to slow the opponent for 7 seconds. Chance increases by 5% for every fury buff.

Basic Attacks:
- Shield attacks cannot miss be evaded or be auto-blocked. Failed evade auto-blocks or miss attempts result in the opponent being inflicted with fatigue reducing critical rating by X and weakness decreasing attack rating by 25% for 5 seconds.
- 20% chance to gain an indefinite passive fury.
M1- A shield ricochet of the ground and into the opponent.
M2- With his head protected and covered by his shield he lunges forward shield first into the opponent.
L1- A left hand punch across the opponents body going in a downward swing.
L2- A right hand uppercut.
L3- An elbow to the head with his right arm.
L4- A sideways kick from the right leg to the head.
Heavy- A quick three hit attack
Block- Cap puts a slight bend in his knees while firmly holding his shield in front of his head covering as much of his body as possible.
Dash Back- Cap rolls backward. This may be weird and if so it remains unchanged.

Special Attacks- Consume fury buffs to increase special attack damage by 10% each.

Special Attack 1-
- Inflicts bleed dealing x damage over 8 seconds.
- Inflicts 3 armour breaks.
- If there are 4 or more armour breaks on the opponent 100% chance to inflict stun for 4 seconds.
(Old SP2) animation)

Special Attack 2-
- Inflict stun for 4 seconds
- +5% critical chance for every consumed fury buff.
- Restores 25% of consumed furies.
(Cap throws his shield 4 times at the opponent in quick succession then spins to throw the shield straight at the opponent. this is a double spin which he does faster than sp1).

Special Attack 3-
- Restores 40% of all furies used in the fight
- Stuns for 5 seconds
- Inflict bleed dealing X damage over x seconds.
(Cap throws his shield at the ground to then catch it mid air- pause here as we see a heroic view of cap-then throwing it at his opponent and showing a wonderful display of combat skills. Like in Captain America civil war vs iron man with winter soldier except he does this by himself.)

Avengers Assemble- Captain America, Iron Man, Hawkeye, Thor, Black Widow, Hulk
Captain America: +10% chance for a perfect block for each avenger on the team. Inc. Himself.
Iron Man: Repulsor attacks have +10% chance to deal shock for every avenger on the team. Inc. himself
Hulk: All fury buffs increase in 15% potency for every avenger on the team. Inc. Himself.
Thor: All combo abilities halve in requirements needed to activate. This does not include- 1 win.
Black Widow: SP2 Critical damage rating is doubled.
Hawkeye: Sp2 bleed is tripled in potency.

Got Heart- Spider/Man stark, Gwen, Miles
Captain America:+40% chance to purify a debuff. -Stack
Spider-man Stark: +4% evade chance and +6% block proficiency for every stack of poise. -No stack
Spider-gwen: All hits are critical while hunter spider is active.
Miles Morales: +50% shock potency
Friends of a friend-Falcon, Winter Soldier
All champions gain +20% Critical rating
Captain. Leader. Legend- John Terry
Captain America: +10% ability accuracy.
John Terry: +10000000% fury buff when Chelsea play against Manchester United

Main Changes:

- Cap now has his shield on his back unless using it for an attack or blocking.
- John Terry is now also a marvel character.
- Fury based champ
- Animations
- Pi, health increase.
- Synergies

Thanks for reading! Be sure to let me know what you think. Too Op? Not good enough? Thanks! And disregard my last rework for him


  • JonoadeloyeJonoadeloye Member Posts: 66
    Forgot to add one synergy:
    America’s Ass...istant? All CAs
    Cap classic:+20% perfect block chance
    Cap Iw: debuff potency and duration is doubled
    Cap wwii: All stuns have + 0.5% duration
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