Can someone explain to me why they always giving more t6 basics shards than t3 alphas shards!??

You need the same amount of both to rank 4 a six star so why not just give same amount each. If this keeps up i may have on t6 basic expiring by the time i have 3 t3 alphas

If this pattern were to hold up, r4 6* champions should have been only based around the T3A. Not sure why they chose to use two resources for a single rank up. That means that r5 6* champions will likely be bound by T6CC, which sucks because now we’re back to the Class Catalyst Roulette sooner for ranking the champion you want.
4* r4 - T4b
4* r5 - T4c
5* r4 - T2a
5* r5 - T5B
6* r3 - T5C
Now r4 6* needs T6B and T3A.
I wonder if R5 6* will require T7B or T4A, or both...