[Android] Lag, Crashing and Performance Investigation



  • mihovkrismihovkris Member Posts: 4
    Ingame name: Absolution
    Device and Model : Samsung Galaxy S20 FE
    Operating System : A11, July security patch
    Cellular or wifi : Both
    Game version : latest
    Game mode : everywhere

    After 5 minutes of playing, the game freezes mid fight and the next thing i know, i get myself beaten up. This happens for waaay too much time and I think it's time you guys fix it before anything else.
    Check if you have a memory leak.
  • GoofballanatotGoofballanatot Member Posts: 165
    In game name - Diesel•23
    Device and Model - IPhone
    Operating System - IPhone 8
    Cellular or WIFI - Both
    Game Version- Latest game update with Hercules
    Game Mode - Always and Everywhere

    Game is stuck on loading screen for myself and members of my alliance. This game has the worse lag in the world. Fix this issue because more and more people like myself will find other games or things to do with our lives!!’nnn
  • mihovkrismihovkris Member Posts: 4

    In game name - Diesel•23
    Device and Model - IPhone
    Operating System - IPhone 8
    Cellular or WIFI - Both
    Game Version- Latest game update with Hercules
    Game Mode - Always and Everywhere

    Game is stuck on loading screen for myself and members of my alliance. This game has the worse lag in the world. Fix this issue because more and more people like myself will find other games or things to do with our lives!!’nnn

    There's another thread for iPhone users.
  • Kabam ZanzibarKabam Zanzibar Moderator Posts: 647

    In game name - Diesel•23
    Device and Model - IPhone
    Operating System - IPhone 8
    Cellular or WIFI - Both
    Game Version- Latest game update with Hercules
    Game Mode - Always and Everywhere

    Game is stuck on loading screen for myself and members of my alliance. This game has the worse lag in the world. Fix this issue because more and more people like myself will find other games or things to do with our lives!!’nnn

    Hi @Goofballanatot - You need the iOS thread which can be found here.
  • LomanbLomanb Member Posts: 1
    In-Game Name: Lomanb
    Device and Model: Xiaomi mi 10t
    Device Operating System: Android 11
    Game Version Installed: Latest from Google Play store
    Game Mode: All of them.
    Description of the Issue: fps drops in fight , crystal opening , when i select champion. 1 seconds whitout touching the screen fps drops.
  • VenatorVenator Member Posts: 3
    In-Game Name: venatorix
    Device and Model: Galaxy S10
    Device Operating System: 11
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 32.00
    Game Mode: EQ, SIde quest, AW, AQ,
    Description of the Issue: These issues happen intermitantly about 70% of the time, I have also noticed my phone becoming very hot when they do (this has never been an issue before this update or with other games). When these events are occuring, then it affects all champions and as the match progresses it becomes worse- It starts with combos stopping short or being unable to charge heavies, then either inputs arriving late or not registering at all, random dashes, dash backs, not being able to throw specials- essentially the controls are barely responsive. As it prgresses it the screen judders and lags become worse, till I usually lose the match at this point.

    I have tried restarting the game and the phone, neither worked. But If a wait a period and try again the issue seems to resolve itself. The problem is I do not know when this will happen, mid match, mid war, mid quest...it's costing me time and resources and the game is getting unplayable.
  • Siva22akSiva22ak Member Posts: 82
    I faced some times lagging issues in aq it tooks my champs half health yesterday I faced again that issue
  • Ra1Ra1 Member Posts: 3
    edited July 2021
    In-Game Name: Ra0ne
    Device and Model: samsung f62
    Device Operating System: 11
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
    Game Version Installed: 32
    Game Mode: All
    Description of the Issue: when i am fighting the champion gets stuck for a very small time it feels like video is buffering i have recording of but i am not able to upload it here
  • Kabam LotoKabam Loto Moderator Posts: 1,997

    Hello @Siva22ak.Thank you for your post. Beware that to report a device-related issue properly, you would complete these fields:
    In-Game Name:
    Device and Model:
    Device Operating System:
    Cellular or WiFi:
    Game Version Installed:
    Game Mode:
    Description of the Issue:
    This would be useful for us to take a further look into the problem.

  • jondark86jondark86 Member Posts: 108 ★★
    In-Game Name: -gp-
    Device and Model: OnePlus 8t
    Device Operating System: Android 11
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: Last one
    Game Mode: All modes
    Description of the Issue: Unintended heavy attacks, combo sequence lag, freezes in the middle of a combo.

  • Ciftci_35Ciftci_35 Member Posts: 13
    Oyun İçi Adı: A.C!FTC!
    Cihaz ve Model: MI 10T Pro
    Cihaz İşletim Sistemi: Android 11
    Hücresel veya WiFi: Her İki
    Oyun Sürümü Kurulu: 32.0.0
    Oyun Modu: Tümü (AQ, AW, EQ, Story quest, Arenas vb)
    Açıklama Sorun: Oyun, dünkü güncellemeden bu yana süper gecikmeli hale geldi. Hatta bazen donuyor. Güncellemeden önce hiçbir sorunum yoktu. Şu anki durumunda, oyun oynanamaz durumda lütfen artık düzeltin :(
  • Siva22akSiva22ak Member Posts: 82
    edited July 2021
    @kabam lato
    I bought my mobile in just 1 year before too my mobile 4gb ram and rom and I used my mobile network 2gb data remain
  • FreeeddyFreeeddy Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2021

    In-Game Name: FI2eeDDy
    Device and model: Samsung galaxy S9
    Device Operating System: Android 10
    Cellular or Wifi: Wifi!!
    Game Version: 32.0.0
    Game mode: All Modes literally
    Description of the issue: It lags everytime i press a damn button, alliance, quests, inventory, crystals, i got some images to show you.
    Please fix that, i had to switch to mobile data several times.
  • Parth_vanshParth_vansh Member Posts: 46
    Ingame name:parth9094
    Device: vivo v20
    System: Android 11
    Both data and wifi
    Game version: latest
    Issue: random blocking of my champs even if I do nothing, like they block instead of standing idle. That throws off the ai and they doesn't throw their special attacks
  • aikidudeaikidude Member Posts: 7
    In-Game Name: aikidude
    Device and Version: Huawei P20 Lite
    Device Operating System: Android version 9
    Cellular or WiFi: issue happened with both!
    Game Version Installed: 32.0.0
    Game Mode: all
    Description of the Issue: in every fight i get lags in action - the screen freeze and all action are stopped, so usually when it gets back to playing mode i get my a$$ served, being unable to block, parry or retreat. lost many fights in events, aq and aw and i see it is not my phone but, as usual, i have been kabammed! :s
  • SearmenisSearmenis Member Posts: 1,756 ★★★★★
    In some fights, recently, when you reach the far right end, the champs are glowing, like there's heavy lights over their heads. Kinda disturbing, especially when your eyes are already tired.
  • Sean_GrizzySean_Grizzy Member Posts: 119
    In-Game Name: Sean Grizzy

    Device and Model: Galaxy A21

    Device Operating System: One UI Core Version - 2.1 & Android Version - 10

    Cellular or WiFi: Both. Cellular carrier is Metro by T-Mobile

    Game Version Installed: 32.0.0

    Game Mode: In which game mode did the error occur? All of them. It happens throughout the game & probably about once every 2-3 minutes.

    Description of the Issue: Within a couple minutes of turning the game on, it starts lagging or freezing every few minutes. It used to do this only once or twice every 10mins or so when I first downloaded the game a few months ago, but in the last 4-5 weeks it's been absolutely ridiculous. It will happen when I'm scrolling through text or champions, it will happen when I'm switching from screen to screen, it will happen in the middle of fights (which is by far the most infuriating), etc. When it happens during fights against the computer, I usually will only get hit once or twice. But when it happens on 1v1 live matches, it has caused me to lose the match altogether. Extremely aggravating & has caused me to play less due to the frustration.

    I'm also still experiencing the parry issue. In most instances, I'll parry just fine & then just a couple seconds later I do the exact same thing yet the parry doesn't occur. Also very frustrating.
  • Pelu1Pelu1 Member Posts: 38

    In-Game Name: 
    multiple accounts
    Device and Model: 
    IPhone 6
    Device Operating System: 
    ANDROID v9
    Iphon software 12.4.4
    Cellular or WiFi: both
    Cellular (Mobile Data): vodaphone australia
    Game Version: 
    Game Mode: 
    Alliance War
    Description of the Issue:
    Lag and glitches during fights including dexterity not working, parry not working and combos being stopped randomly at 2 or 3 hits causing mass punishment and champ KOs costing war victorys in our alliance and mass resources used.

    It hurting so much man. I used more than 4 K units to clear upto act 6.4.6.
    I want big rewards and units and potions/revives.
  • redjacket75redjacket75 Member Posts: 4
    I am not able to use specials when the opponent is blocking or recovering from heavies or specials. It has been regular and since this is the end of the month, i needed to play the cav event quest. I lost so many matches because of this. What am i supposed to do now? I only have two paths left for 100% exploration and used so many revives and used units as well. There's only a day left and I don't want to lose more units for something that shouldn't have happened.
  • Ciftci_35Ciftci_35 Member Posts: 13
    Oyun içerisinde aniden hızlanıyor sonra yavaşlıyor buda oyun oynamayı zorlaştırıyor lütfen bu telefona Marvel i oynamak için optimize eder misiniz.

    Oyunu zaten kaldırdım ve yeniden indirdim. ve bu noktada Hücre veya Wifi verilerinde hemen hemen tüm içeriklerde animasyon sürekliliğini kaybediyorum.

    Ne zaman düzeleceğini bilmiyorum ve oyunda rahat hareket edemiyorum lütfen yardımcı olun güncelleme ne zaman gelecek.Oyun gerçekten oynanmıyor görevleri yapacak fakat kasma problemi olduğundan yapamıyorum lütfen ama lütfen yardımcı olun

    TELEFON: Xiaomi Mi 10T Pro
    İşletim Sistemi: MIUI Global 12.5.1 (Android tabanlı)
    MCOC VERSİYONU: ​​32.1.0
    OYUN YER: Türkiye
  • GLeonhardtGLeonhardt Member Posts: 1
    In-Game Name: GLeonhardt
    Device and Model: Moto G5s plus
    Device Operating System: 8.1
    Cellular or WiFi: both
    Game Version Installed: 32.1.0
    Game Mode: All game modes
    Description of the Issue: Since this update the game is almost unplayable due constant lagging and crashing every 2 minutes.

    On arenas i do 1 round and when i'll go pair the champions to start the a second round the game crashes. It's been over a month since the last time i managed to do more than 3 arena rounds in a row without a crash.

    On quests, aw and aq i can do only 2 or 3 fights before getting huge fps drops and a game crashing, even trivial things in game like scrolling throught and opening the crystals or scouting a path on a quest and quiting to chose other champions can cause a crash.
  • wilgtxwilgtx Member Posts: 17
    edited August 2021
    In-Game Name: wilgtx
    Device and Model: Xiaomi Mi 10T
    Device Operating System: MIUI Global 12.5.1 (Android 11)
    Cellular or WiFi: Both.
    Game Version Installed: 32.1.0 and previous.
    Game Mode: All modes but it seems to be most severe when playing heavily noded fights, so basically all complex content.
    Description of the Issue: too much lag when loading and starting the fight, fps drop, paused animations.

    I am NOT the only one with the problem on this device, please check what happens, I bought the device for the game and I do not enjoy the content. :'(

    I was playing on a device with a lower processor (Mi 9T) and I did not have that problem.

  • Umar7Umar7 Member Posts: 44
    I am on a fast samsung android phone & after the most recent (penny parker) update, the game is lagging like crazy. Can't do any serious fight properly. Before this update, game had 0 lag even woth recording the game in 720fps, now I can't even play at all, let alone record anything.
  • KecksiKecksi Member Posts: 1
    In-Game Name:
    Device and Model:
    Device Operating System:
    ANDROIDos 9.0
    Cellular or WiFi:
    Game Version:
    Game Mode:
    Description of the Issue:
    Since the new update i experiance sever laggs and most importantly OVERHEATING issues even while i am only beeing on the homescreen.Never had any problems with my phone and this is the only game that brings issues only after this new update. Also while playing in ANY Quest and or Arena, sudden freezes and lags make it nearly unplayable since the new update.
  • NEO_mr_AndersonNEO_mr_Anderson Member Posts: 1,075 ★★★
    In-Game Name: NEO Mr Anderson
    Device and Model: Samsung Galaxy TAB S7
    Device Operating System: Android 11
    Cellular or WiFi: Wifi
    Game Version: 1166046 (32.1.0)
    Game Mode: All
    Description of the Issue:
    After playing for a while, my right thumb control is inactive. When I try to do a medium, my champ is doing a heavy, and hold it, like if I keep my thumb on the screen, but, it's not there. The only thing I can do is swipe back.
    I have to restart my tablet to get everything back to normal.

  • ZumsicZumsic Member Posts: 15
    after the last update, game lags to the point of being unplayable at times and not just in fight, but also in menu, like opening crystals or doing anything...everything is just very slow and awful to go through
  • ApocryphalKingApocryphalKing Member Posts: 12
    In-Game Name: Apocryphal king
    Device and Model: Galaxy S 21+
    Device Operating System: 11
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 32.1.0
    Game Mode: All
    Description of the Issue: In any fight(mostly arena), using any character from my roster at least once per 3v3 fight the sound with cut out, the game will freeze for 1 to 2 seconds and then start again. Usually this happens when the enemy attacks then I get wrecked.
  • Danemo666Danemo666 Member Posts: 169 ★★
    In-Game Name: Danemo666
    Device and Model: Galaxy S21 ultra
    Device Operating System: 11
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 32.1.0
    Game Mode: All

    Description of the Issue: Game freezing for a couple of seconds while in a fight. Has happened in all areas of the game whilst in a fight.
    Never had an issue with freezing mid fight before, has only happened since latest update.
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