True Focus Change

We all know that True Focus was mainly added to counter Ghost and Quake. How about updating the node so that it will reflect only that instead of seriously nerfing the use of other great champs such as Prof X and Tigra that rely on those mechanics. I suggest the attacker receives an armour break debuff that last for X amount of seconds every time a miss is triggered. Additionally, every time the attacker holds their heavy for longer than 3 seconds, they would receive a weakness debuff that would last X amount of seconds. This in my opinion would counter what makes Ghost and Quake so overpowered but would still make them usable and the same can be said of the other champs the node is currently having an impact on.


  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,122 ★★★★★
    Are you the guy that keeps making those threads about quake and ghost? Because if it is I feel like you engage this tangent into almost sensationalism level Hysteria. I'm not seeing a grand conspiracy like you are and I don't know where you got in your head that they're intentionally going out of the way to screw anybody that has a ghost and Quake as their primary.
  • ChrisOczChrisOcz Member Posts: 63
    edited August 2021
    Nope you’re taking aim at the wrong guy. My post is mainly for AW I may add. The new node in boss island really hurts Ghost and Quake but have an added consequence of hurting other champs. I am a Prof X user and it sucks that it takes away his falter mechanic. While still doable without it, I believe that the node should discourage the use of the mechanic instead of downright make it useless. It’s a very unimaginative node to add. Also, if you plan on making accusations I suggest doing a search first. By so doing you’ll know which thread I opened or I commented on - very few.
  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,122 ★★★★★
    Tbf there are people who use more than username and there had been a couple threads with an intense focus on Ghost and Quake so it's an honest mistake and I apologize.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★
    Use Champs that aren't affected.
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