Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

[S.O.P.] What if I complete all the milestones while there is an objective left….

GAMEOVERJamesGAMEOVERJames Posts: 902 ★★★
I have yet to finish the #Mercenary but I already reach the final milestone….is it a bug?

If it’s the final result, I don’t bother to challenge the SOP ghost again…

But I’m wondering if Kabam will “fix” the bug sometime in the coming weeks then I have to return to the second top milestone…


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    Sean_WhoSean_Who Posts: 618 ★★★
    They extended the Darkhawk week because of parry/Dex issues, this let people 'complete' it again earning an extra point.

    That point will be removed.
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    fuzzynifflerfuzzyniffler Posts: 8
    You are at the top milestone because of the darkhawk bug where everyone who completed him 2 weeks in a row obtained an extra point unintentionally. Kabam has stated that they will remove this extra point. If you don't finish the mercenary objective to get the last point, you'll likely end up losing a point and ending up one point short when they give out the rewards.
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    GAMEOVERJamesGAMEOVERJames Posts: 902 ★★★
    Thanks buddy~

    BTW, is Black Widow (DO) a good champ to against SOP Ghost to complete the #Mercenary objective?
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    LibertyPrimeV1LibertyPrimeV1 Posts: 4,179 ★★★★★

    Thanks buddy~

    BTW, is Black Widow (DO) a good champ to against SOP Ghost to complete the #Mercenary objective?

    Apparently she's one of the best options
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    ReferenceReference Posts: 2,899 ★★★★★
    Domino/Massacre too other than BWDO.
    You must complete that outstanding objective or you end up at 26 pts next week.
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    SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Posts: 4,486 ★★★★★
    Apparently Kabam sent an ingame mail exclusively explaining that the extra point from double darkhawk fight will be removed.
    Can't imagine how many threads we'll see when they take this extra point and players miss their expected milestone.
    Many players don't come to forums or keep up with youtube or other things.
    Atleast OP is saved from the future trouble.
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    CorkscrewCorkscrew Posts: 539 ★★★
    Reference said:

    Domino/Massacre too other than BWDO.
    You must complete that outstanding objective or you end up at 26 pts next week.

    Unduped Domino.

    I got a solo with a duped Domino, but she was low sig. It was touch and go with all the reflected crit failure. It was the only source of damage I received and it almost killed me.

    @GAMEOVERJames Hit Monkey also a great option. My suggestion is that after you land any DoT, hold your block up a bit. It prevents Ghost from dashing back straight away and gives some time for the damage to tick, otherwise, she will just phase it off. (Obviously dex out of the way if she comes at you, no need to take block damage).

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    LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Posts: 8,649 ★★★★★
    Corkscrew said:

    Reference said:

    Domino/Massacre too other than BWDO.
    You must complete that outstanding objective or you end up at 26 pts next week.

    Unduped Domino.

    I got a solo with a duped Domino, but she was low sig. It was touch and go with all the reflected crit failure. It was the only source of damage I received and it almost killed me.

    @GAMEOVERJames Hit Monkey also a great option. My suggestion is that after you land any DoT, hold your block up a bit. It prevents Ghost from dashing back straight away and gives some time for the damage to tick, otherwise, she will just phase it off. (Obviously dex out of the way if she comes at you, no need to take block damage).

    Mine is max sig. She went from almost full health to dead in a spit second. Wasn't sure what was going on at first lol.
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    Thanks buddy~

    BTW, is Black Widow (DO) a good champ to against SOP Ghost to complete the #Mercenary objective?

    I used her and got a solo in 200 hits and only lost a percent of health
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    PoolBoyRoyPoolBoyRoy Posts: 48
    Extra point gets removed when they total scores
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    andrade5184andrade5184 Posts: 289 ★★

    R1 bwdo made easy work of that ghost fight. Solo no boosts.
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