Guy's need tips. I'm going for 6.4.6 tomorrow.

I face him twice. At first attempt i was lucky in phase 3 and clear and in second attempt i was fu**** on phase 3 use 1.2k units and quite. First attempt was in my Frd account. second one in mine. So after a 2 week i'm going again and now i have professor 6* rank2 and hit monkey. so my team is BWCV, RED MAG, HM, CAPIW, PROFESSOR X. Now it's time to finish this GM. so any tipe guy's. Any type of tips just share if you able to read this one.
Whichever route you choose you have to fight 2 minibosses to get to him
Starting at White spot, going up to Green, but that is not where Red arrows begin. Red arrows clearly coming from higher up, and as seen continue back thru GM continuing past Tech node towards bottom of map. **unless for some reason there is also a 2nd shorter red-pathed line that is overlayed exactly on top (visually) of this other non-direct path, but really doubt they would ever do that.
And FYI, other thread thought initially that white dashed line continues down from Green thru White continuing 1 step more to GM (so traveling in opposite direction). But white dashed line seen between Green and White does not continue to GM, whatever white marks looking like a white dashed line further down are actually one of the Node Base graphic's (skull) white eyes, and another mark looks like it would be the white mark under it's eye socket (not additional dashed path lines).
Regardless, didn't come to debate you on the map. Was just trying to offer a suggestion to help OP, if there is/was a practice option for GM.