Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced) Tune-Up Idea

ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 2,896 ★★★★★
Starky is still a good champion but I've never really enjoyed playing him. I feel like there's this annoyingly slow and defensive ramp-up after which you kind of have to micromanage him a lot so that your poise charges aren't constantly converted into taunts on the opponent.

With this tune-up/smaller buff idea, I tried to tweak him a little so that he has less ramp-up and more consistent upkeep, especially against #villain champions. I also moved his SP3 Ensnare into his Stark Tech AI mechanic and added an Infuriate debuff to his SP3 instead. That should allow him to lure his opponents into the more aggressive playstyle that he needs from them.

Signature Ability - Hero’s Mantra

Great Power (Above 50% Health) - Spider-Man’s Taunts last 2 seconds longer and each charge of Poise grants him 560 increased Critical Rating.

Great Responsibility (Below 50% Health) - Spider-Man’s chance to Evade an attack is increased by a flat 7% and each charge of Poise grants him 90 extra Block Proficiency.

Both Great Power and Great Responsibility are activated against Infuriated opponents.

When attacked - Passive

Spider-Man has a 3% chance to Evade incoming attacks.

Stark Tech AI

Evade chance is increased by a flat 60% during Special Attacks.

While the Stark Tech AI is active, opponents can’t Evade Spider-Man’s basic attacks. Additionally, Mutants and #Villains can’t Evade Spider-Man’s Special Attacks if they are also Taunted.

If Spider-Man is struck by a Cosmic champion or by any Heavy Attack, the Stark Tech AI becomes inactive for 10 seconds while it reboots.


Each time Spider-Man Evades an attack or uses the Dexterity mastery, he gains a Poise charge. Cooldown 0.8 seconds.

Each Poise charge grants 800 Critical Rating. Max 7 charges.

If Spider-Man lands 5 uninterrupted attacks, he places a Taunt debuff on the opponent for 4 seconds. Taunted opponents have their Attack Rating reduced by 40% and have a 70% higher chance of activating Special Attacks.

Against #Villain champions, Taunt lasts 50% longer and costs no Poise if he is below 5 Poise charges.

Dodging back and allowing Spider-Man to idle for 0,8 seconds allows him to Smack-Talk his opponent and refresh the Taunt. Intercepting #Villain opponents within this window pauses the Taunt for the duration of Spider-Man’s combo.

Mutant Special Attacks

If hit by a Mutant opponent’s Special Attack, each hit removes one Poise charge from Spider-Man to negate the effects of any Prowess the opponent has active. If the opponent has no Prowess active, no Poise charges are removed.

Heavy Attacks

An EMP webshot has a 100% chance to drain 45% of the opponent’s Power Meter. Cooldown: 30 seconds.

Special Attack 1

100% chance to Stun the opponent for 2 seconds. This chance is reduced by 50% if the Stark AI is on cooldown.

If this attack Taunts the opponent, pause the Taunt for the duration of the Stun and grant Spider-Man a Poise charge.

Special Attack 2

Electric webshots have a 100% chance to Shock the opponent, dealing 2500 Energy damage over 6,5 seconds. These Shocks are overcharged and deal double damage against #Robot opponents. This chance is reduced by 30% if the Stark AI is on cooldown.

Pause any Taunts for the duration of the Shock.

Special Attack 3

If this attack pushes the opponent over 3 Bars of Power and Spider-Man’s EMP webshot is not on cooldown, drain the opponent of 1 Bar of Power. This does not push the EMP webshot into cooldown.

100% chance to Infuriate the opponent indefinitely until Spider-Man is struck. Infuriated opponents suffer 30% lowered Defensive Ability Accuracy and become more aggressive.


  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 2,896 ★★★★★
    I agree with you. He has good damage and good utility, and I didn't set out to change either. However, I've never gotten along with his "begin every fight by evading ten attacks" playstyle. That is what I wanted to address.

    But we all have our own preferences. If you or others like his current playstyle, fair enough. I thought that I'd like him more when I first ranked him up, but there's just something in his kit that I've never gotten quite along with.
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 2,896 ★★★★★

    Quakes needs a buff more than imiw

    Honestly, if Kabam decided to tweak Quake in a way that mostly just made her more fun to play, it would definitely be a weird tune decision but I'd also be kind of okay with it.
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 2,896 ★★★★★

    I would say that before we discuss any tune ups or changes to Stark Spidey, like Blade he first needs to be available as a 6-star so we can properly gauge his potential / damage appropriately then I believe you have a proper starting point.

    I understand what you mean, but this was never an attempt to make him more hard-hitting as a champ. He already is formidable as-is. While I've given him some small new features here and there, my goal was for the most part simply to make him more fun to play. To shorten the ramp-up of poise, lessen their fall-off, integrate his never-used Ensnare into his general playstyle and add a worthwhile SP3 instead. I don't see how a 6* version would change anything in that regard. They increase power level, not fun factor.
  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,110 ★★★★★
    Ercarret said:

    I would say that before we discuss any tune ups or changes to Stark Spidey, like Blade he first needs to be available as a 6-star so we can properly gauge his potential / damage appropriately then I believe you have a proper starting point.

    I understand what you mean, but this was never an attempt to make him more hard-hitting as a champ. He already is formidable as-is. While I've given him some small new features here and there, my goal was for the most part simply to make him more fun to play. To shorten the ramp-up of poise, lessen their fall-off, integrate his never-used Ensnare into his general playstyle and add a worthwhile SP3 instead. I don't see how a 6* version would change anything in that regard. They increase power level, not fun factor.
    I agree that it has nothing to do with play style but if they were to make any tweaks to Starky now without supplemental announcement that he would be entering the six star pool, how many endgame players are going to be that excited about any changes especially if they're tweaks and Pro Player tweaks at that
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 2,896 ★★★★★

    Ercarret said:

    I would say that before we discuss any tune ups or changes to Stark Spidey, like Blade he first needs to be available as a 6-star so we can properly gauge his potential / damage appropriately then I believe you have a proper starting point.

    I understand what you mean, but this was never an attempt to make him more hard-hitting as a champ. He already is formidable as-is. While I've given him some small new features here and there, my goal was for the most part simply to make him more fun to play. To shorten the ramp-up of poise, lessen their fall-off, integrate his never-used Ensnare into his general playstyle and add a worthwhile SP3 instead. I don't see how a 6* version would change anything in that regard. They increase power level, not fun factor.
    I agree that it has nothing to do with play style but if they were to make any tweaks to Starky now without supplemental announcement that he would be entering the six star pool, how many endgame players are going to be that excited about any changes especially if they're tweaks and Pro Player tweaks at that
    Ah, you mean it that way. Yeah, I see where you're coming from then. That makes sense.
  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,110 ★★★★★
    Ercarret said:

    Ercarret said:

    I would say that before we discuss any tune ups or changes to Stark Spidey, like Blade he first needs to be available as a 6-star so we can properly gauge his potential / damage appropriately then I believe you have a proper starting point.

    I understand what you mean, but this was never an attempt to make him more hard-hitting as a champ. He already is formidable as-is. While I've given him some small new features here and there, my goal was for the most part simply to make him more fun to play. To shorten the ramp-up of poise, lessen their fall-off, integrate his never-used Ensnare into his general playstyle and add a worthwhile SP3 instead. I don't see how a 6* version would change anything in that regard. They increase power level, not fun factor.
    I agree that it has nothing to do with play style but if they were to make any tweaks to Starky now without supplemental announcement that he would be entering the six star pool, how many endgame players are going to be that excited about any changes especially if they're tweaks and Pro Player tweaks at that
    Ah, you mean it that way. Yeah, I see where you're coming from then. That makes sense.
    I do like where you're going with your proposed changes and now that we actually have other Champions with TAUNT, it definitely is a natural fit for any of the Spideys. Hopefully they'll consider adding that mechanic into all of them while still giving them enough distinction to make them feel like different Champs all together.
  • Raichu626Raichu626 Member Posts: 934 ★★★★
    Ercarret said:

    I agree with you. He has good damage and good utility, and I didn't set out to change either. However, I've never gotten along with his "begin every fight by evading ten attacks" playstyle. That is what I wanted to address.

    But we all have our own preferences. If you or others like his current playstyle, fair enough. I thought that I'd like him more when I first ranked him up, but there's just something in his kit that I've never gotten quite along with.

    How did you address that? I can't really tell what change was made to that, except reducing max poise. Is a "begin every fight by evading seven attacks" playstyle really better?
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 2,896 ★★★★★
    The main changes I did were not to how his poise was gained - that is already perfectly fine; you end up dexing attacks all the time organically - but rather to how they fall off over time. Right now, every time you finish a combo you remove a poise to place a taunt. This taunt lasts 3 seconds, then your next combo removes another poise to place another taunt unless you back away and idle for 1 second. With this system, I find it quite difficult to build poise organically through the fight since it falls off so quickly.

    So my changes centered around the taunt. Shorten the time needed to refresh it, allow it to be paused when intercepting right after a dex, allow it to initially build without a poise cost against villains. Things that would (hopefully) allow it to not eat away at your poise charges constantly, which in turn would (again, hopefully) allow you to build them naturally throughout the fight instead of having to dex a bunch of attacks in the beginning.
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 2,896 ★★★★★
    You seem to be under the impression that I disagree with you. I'm not sure why that is considering that I changed none of those things and have said, multiple times, that I think he's a great champ and that I only tried to make him a more fun champ to play.

    People are obviously free to disagree with me, but it's a shame that most of the people who do so also seem to wholeheartedly agree with Zan0 that there is no reason to even read my post beforehand. Apart from Raichu and Shadowstrike, I haven't seen anyone here actually comment on anything I actually wrote. Neither of them seemed too ecstatic about what I wrote so maybe I was off the mark regardless, but I respect that they at least offered an informed opinion.
  • DawsManDawsMan Member Posts: 2,169 ★★★★★
    Not the buff we needed, but one I would enjoy.
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 2,896 ★★★★★
    Thank you, I appreciate it.
  • Upanddown_69Upanddown_69 Member Posts: 249
    Only thing that I want to see is with the heavy, when he gets power control, he also gets regen, based on sig level. This would be on the 30 second timer same as power.

    This would make him so much more playable w suicides. As is I use him in a single fight, don’t get hit, and he’s at 50% by the end.
  • JonoadeloyeJonoadeloye Member Posts: 66
    edited August 2021
    i think it should stay as 10 but be more worth the ramp up since you and others dont like it so much. maybe even a way to shrug bleed and poison of quicker. i dont think he needs it though
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