took p99 over sunspot, was wondering if I made a mistake. my tech roster is pretty lacking, and I have a r4 sunspot who I dont like enough to r5. curious on your guys thoughts.
Sunspot had little utility but nice damage. P2099 has really nice utility and nice damage. Personally I think you made the right decision. There are some that hype sunspot, but all he really has is damage.
Build to sp2 before hitting overdrive (use heavy to remove some battery if required) -> sp2 armour break -> overdrive -> keep pausing overdrive with sp1s (most fights will be over in this rotation)
Since you mentioned that you are lack of good tech champ, thus I think it is nothing wrong to choose P99. Charge battery over 100% and then launch'll aware the joy of playing P99 gradually.
I would say he doesn't have a set rotation, you can just do whatever to stay in control of the fight, though the rotation that @YsF mentioned is the best in terms of damage.
Build to sp2 before hitting overdrive (use heavy to remove some battery if required) -> sp2 armour break -> overdrive -> keep pausing overdrive with sp1s (most fights will be over in this rotation)
I would say he doesn't have a set rotation, you can just do whatever to stay in control of the fight, though the rotation that @YsF mentioned is the best in terms of damage.
Build to sp2 before hitting overdrive (use heavy to remove some battery if required) -> sp2 armour break -> overdrive -> keep pausing overdrive with sp1s (most fights will be over in this rotation)
I completely agree with you. and @StevieManWonder correctly mentioned to build near to sp3. He's a pretty underrated champ and although most people here will say choose sunspot, Punisher 2099 has much more to offer.
Yeah that was a mistake. Sunspot is 5 times the champ of P99. Not saying he's bad but Sunspot is OP. That perfect block, prestige and damage. Sunspot is stupid good. That said it's not always black and white when it comes to these things. If P99 will help you with content then he was a decent choice for you, so ignore everything I It's always about each individual account and what they need. Sunspot is amazing though. Good luck.
I love P2099. He's such a beast. He does benefit from his awakened ability since it gives you a higher starting charge that makes it quicker to enter overdrive, but if you pair him up with Beardo, you basically get the awakened boost anyway. If you are awakened and team him up with Beardo anyway, you can go into overdrive almost immediately and completely shut down the fight after just a few seconds.
I wrote out my thoughts about him in another thread a while ago.
Charge battery over 100% and then launch'll aware the joy of playing P99 gradually.
He's a pretty underrated champ and although most people here will say choose sunspot, Punisher 2099 has much more to offer.
I wrote out my thoughts about him in another thread a while ago.