Proof that the game's reward system is a complete mess.
Now, it's been a long standing trend in this game that new and progressing players (as well as endgamers, but the impact there is much less severe) are getting increasingly high rewards.
Many people, myself included, believe this to be a somewhat negative thing as it reduces challenge and destroys any hope for a steady progression. However, this topic has been discussed many times, and is not what this post is about.
This post is instead focused on the absurd ratios of different rewards being handed out, which rather than destroying steady progression rates within the game as a whole, destroys balance within individual accounts. This leads to deficits in some resources and surpluses in others, and in turn, makes resource management a complete nightmare.
This issue is often discussed with exclusivity to gold and iso droughts, but as time goes on, this is becoming further from the truth as resource imbalance spreads to all parts of the contest. Take the recent droughts of t2a and t4cc as proof.
Now to link this to my own account. While I am a Thronebreaker, I am still very much also a progressing player. Here is my 6* roster:
If we look past the quality of the champions themselves and focus purely on quantity, this is a wholly average 6* roster for my level; 30-40 champions and a handful of dupes, in my case 6.
Now let's take a look at my 6* Sig stone stash (some severely satisfying sibilance). Remember I only have 6 awakened 6-star champions, so keeping in line with that, you might expect me to have around 60 generic signature stones and probably 10-20 of each class.
When it comes to class sigs, that's about right actually for me. Now, what about generics?...
170. 170 generic signature stones. It is absolutely insane that it is possible for a player like me to have 170 generic sig stones and only 6 awakened 6*s. Even if one of those awakened champs was an incredible investment for them, I would still think this is utterly ludicrous. But the fact that none of them are worth generics at all really does suck as the 70 I have in overflow will probably end up being wasted.
Obviously removing these stones from rewards is not a good idea, as they are still probably the most sought after resource for endgamers. The solution is quite simply delivering the right rewards to the right people. The way to reach that solution is unfortunately, a little trickier.
Personally I think a competitive, solo gamemode is the way forward, as it would rank every summoner in a way that would allow rewards to be taylored better to the account that revives them. Would love to hear your ideas as well!
Many people, myself included, believe this to be a somewhat negative thing as it reduces challenge and destroys any hope for a steady progression. However, this topic has been discussed many times, and is not what this post is about.
This post is instead focused on the absurd ratios of different rewards being handed out, which rather than destroying steady progression rates within the game as a whole, destroys balance within individual accounts. This leads to deficits in some resources and surpluses in others, and in turn, makes resource management a complete nightmare.
This issue is often discussed with exclusivity to gold and iso droughts, but as time goes on, this is becoming further from the truth as resource imbalance spreads to all parts of the contest. Take the recent droughts of t2a and t4cc as proof.
Now to link this to my own account. While I am a Thronebreaker, I am still very much also a progressing player. Here is my 6* roster:
If we look past the quality of the champions themselves and focus purely on quantity, this is a wholly average 6* roster for my level; 30-40 champions and a handful of dupes, in my case 6.
Now let's take a look at my 6* Sig stone stash (some severely satisfying sibilance). Remember I only have 6 awakened 6-star champions, so keeping in line with that, you might expect me to have around 60 generic signature stones and probably 10-20 of each class.
When it comes to class sigs, that's about right actually for me. Now, what about generics?...
170. 170 generic signature stones. It is absolutely insane that it is possible for a player like me to have 170 generic sig stones and only 6 awakened 6*s. Even if one of those awakened champs was an incredible investment for them, I would still think this is utterly ludicrous. But the fact that none of them are worth generics at all really does suck as the 70 I have in overflow will probably end up being wasted.
Obviously removing these stones from rewards is not a good idea, as they are still probably the most sought after resource for endgamers. The solution is quite simply delivering the right rewards to the right people. The way to reach that solution is unfortunately, a little trickier.
Personally I think a competitive, solo gamemode is the way forward, as it would rank every summoner in a way that would allow rewards to be taylored better to the account that revives them. Would love to hear your ideas as well!
By the way I'm sorry if this post reads horribly, I hadn't really planned a direction before I wrote it, I just made a post to rage about my overflow of sigs and we ended up here... Oh well lol.
None I want to use awakening gems or sig stones. Also have 175x of them at the moment
And remember that you can hold (I think) 125 generics in your inventory, meaning if you absolutely had to, only 25 of the generics from SoP would go to overflow. Obviously if you had generics already it would be more.
P.s. don’t overlook OG BP, he’s an incredibly good champ that people are forgetting about sometimes. Plus, you’re uniquely perfect for a situation like this since it’s sometimes hard to rationalise throwing sig stones into a 6* BP, since he does need high sig for his DAAR
I understand the premise of giving individual stones and allow for distribution as the summoner sees fit, but I think we should have some greater control of our inventory as well.
These generic sigs are coming at a time where content containing 6* gems was introduced over a year ago.
Your roster might not have plenty Sig worthy champs naturally duped but there's a gem worthy champ in every class that would be worth investing those generic sigs in.
I thought you are going to talk about rank up resources. Definitely seem to be out of balance with each person having bottlenecks with some resource or the other. For me personally it’s t5b.
With sig stones, I think you are in this unique situation probably because you are more skilled/lucky in having completed the content which was designed for accounts with significantly deeper rosters compared to yours. Just feel proud about that. Nothing wrong in the rewards structure in the game. You can still use those expiring stones on the awakened champs and save the others for when you dupe characters who really need the sig levels.
But regardless, you cannot deny that these events are becoming more and more common.
Problem solved then.
I feel like having to use some on someone like BP OG is way better than in the future when you have ghost and no sig stones.
SoP gave 1 6* and 75 sigs. And it wasn't all that hard.
Idk, maybe the limit should just be increased, as only being able to hold 100 seems a bit little, maybe. Or like some very clever person at the beginning said, just add a trade it to compress 5 +1s to 1 +5.