High prestige alliance LF skilled player

[RE.A] Alliance Recruiting
Skilled player only
80M+ rating, 13.4k+ average prestige
AQ 777, 10% t5cc, Top 25-27 ranked
AW Platinum 2
Time zone: GMT +9 (based in Asia)
Requirement :
High level of skill and enough experience with AQ7 epic modifiers and AW tier 1-2
12.5k+ prestige
Line app communication
For more information, message on Line app
Line ID: kevin3259
Skilled player only
80M+ rating, 13.4k+ average prestige
AQ 777, 10% t5cc, Top 25-27 ranked
AW Platinum 2
Time zone: GMT +9 (based in Asia)
Requirement :
High level of skill and enough experience with AQ7 epic modifiers and AW tier 1-2
12.5k+ prestige
Line app communication
For more information, message on Line app
Line ID: kevin3259