Was the 1 or 2* multiplier forgotten again for these arenas?

Arena grinding right now is asinine enough but needing multiple million with only 2* is ridiculous. To make it even more so, they barely even are worth any points in the daily 22h event. This kind of underhanded behavior is why there’s a poll at the top of the discussion board gauging player interest and the vast majority have voted “waning.”
So if you don't have maxed out 1-2 star champs, then i might suggest you to do that first. Else the grind will be way longer and way more boring. I'm having somewhat around 70-80 of the 2 star champs, all maxed out. So per arena sitting, I'm doing about 350k points. That's 3 rounds to get the 5 star one done, and about 12 for the 6 star one.