Extending Week 10 SOP

In short, please extend sop finale. I tweeted kabam few days back that due to prevailing input issues, it is costing more to players. At least, extend it by one more week. So that, players who can't buy units or spend limited money, should have time to grind it out.
Doing so would be (1) a good will gesture to an incrasingly frustrated playerbase (2) maybe ease up the constant calls for compensation (which many are hoping for to use in such content) when they clearly still haven't fixed the game engine problems.
How does kabam extending it impact those who have finished or aren't doing it at all? During the summer they extended SOP fights past one week - I cant recall too many complaints when that was done. How is this any different?
Disclaimer: I did each SOP week within a 1-3 days of release, and am currently finished with 5 of 6 Finale paths.
And you got this as compensation for the bug
Otherwise it wouldn't hurt for it to be extended.