While he’s still fairly new, not really getting talked about much or used. People are aware he’s pretty good but nobody talks about his power stings much, they deal quite some damage, and he’s good for nodes like no retreat, brute force, icarus, and that other node kinda like icarus but with passive degens. I think i got a 150-180k power sting on ROL WS with him when i ramped him up, then like an 80k, and then a 40 with the power stings that lingered. His taunt on sp1 also really helps with his playstyle, along with pausing his power stings. Love little ol porky.
Skill: Massacre
Mutant: it used to be Bishop, pre-buff
Mystic: Sasquatch
Tech: IMIW (yes, he is)
Cosmic: rather Ronan