Team Revive in Loyalty store

I Never write something on the forum but got a question. ATM we aint getting compensation for AQ, and in my alliance quite some members are getting low on AQ revives. But besides not getting compensation (which i aint complaining about), why not put in the Team Revive in Loyalty store permanently till the bugs are 'fixed'.
Then people can use the Loyalty they got (even from compensation) on those if they would like. Its not that we need the loyalty for grey boosts, because they are overflowing with most people.
I just wonder why we havent seen the team revive in loyalty store for quite a while now (cant even remember last time)
thoughts? @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Porthos
Then people can use the Loyalty they got (even from compensation) on those if they would like. Its not that we need the loyalty for grey boosts, because they are overflowing with most people.
I just wonder why we havent seen the team revive in loyalty store for quite a while now (cant even remember last time)
thoughts? @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Porthos
Just some thoughts. But regardless, yeah, I really like your suggestion.
July 27 - last time revives were in store
Aug 8 - last aq compensation.
So most items are gone by this point.
If you’re a end game player it can mean this. To revive 1 champ that you need on a map 7 path or even the coming map 8, you have to pay a min of 180 units plus 40 units for every potion which it takes 2 just to get you back to 75%. This means 260 units to not even fully revive a champ.
You grind arena for units and then pay it back to kabam for the pots.