If you are aiming for kitty and Nimrods featured crystal I have some news for you...



  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★

    I would agree that looking at Featured distribution could use a revisit. I don't necessarily agree that going back to the old Crystal is the solution, but looking at the timeline, it seems quite extended at this point.

    Damn you know it’s probably worth a look at if me and @GroundedWisdom agree
    At the time the change was made, it was logical. At this point in the availability, it's worth reconsidering. Seems like a long time to target newer Champs.
    I think it’s the introduction of the 6* featured adding champions into the basic pool that caused the issue. The 5* featured never had that functionality.

    The new 5* featured was great, I love the concept of 6 featured champs and a basic pool. It’s actually really good for champ targeting. But new 5* champs were added into the basic pool at the same time as the 4* and premium. That was good for targeting new champions. So the newest top rarity champ we were targeting was never too far away.

    For example, take Sym Supreme. He was released October 2018, and was in the basic pool as a 5* by January 29th 2019, only 3 months later. He was in the featured as of January 15th. There was a 2 week period when sym supreme wasn’t in the basic. Bearing in mind he was the first of his cohort, so the last of the 6 was darkhawk. Who would be added 6th of April. Which is 4 months after his release of December 2018.

    A 5* champion as the top rarity used to be released, then 3-4 months later was in both the basic and the featured. That’s fantastic for excitement, you don’t feel like you’re waiting 2/3rds of a year

    But when the 6* featured was changed to add champs into the basic pool it changed the dynamic. Instead of releasing and coming into the basic and featured 3-4 months later. They are released, then 4 months later they’re in the featured, and then 3-4 months later they’re in the basic pool.

    There’s a disconnect here, and I think it would be solved by adding the 6* featured champs into the basic pool alongside their 5*, or at most maybe a month after.

    So take Purgatory for example, the first of her cohort. Instead of entering the basic pool as a 6* on 22nd Jan, have her enter on the 19th of October alongside her 5*. Her featured 6* begins on 5th October.

    It really wouldn’t be a bad thing to have champs added to the basic pool while they’re in the featured. It’s not enough to be able to target someone, we don’t get enough 6* shards to try and control the odds when it’s 1/200+. But it’s enough so that it’s 90 odd days more that we can pull a champion, and if you specifically want someone, go for the featured.

    TL:DR the 5* featured didn’t add champs into the basic pool on conclusion when 5* was the top rarity, but the 6* does. The 6* featured should no longer add new champs to the basic, they should be added alongside the 5* and the 4* and the premium pool.
  • THEComic23THEComic23 Member Posts: 50
    to be fair, there will likely be a 2021 Crystal available sometime around Christmas or New Years so that might help make it easier for those who miss out this next month.
  • DawsManDawsMan Member Posts: 2,169 ★★★★★

    I would agree that looking at Featured distribution could use a revisit. I don't necessarily agree that going back to the old Crystal is the solution, but looking at the timeline, it seems quite extended at this point.

    Damn you know it’s probably worth a look at if me and @GroundedWisdom agree
    Its around a 4% chance to get them now right? Out of the 24 champs? It should be 10 or sum. Or this is where wish crystals are introduced and they do something with champion selection. You choose 2 featured champs and 8 regular ones from the featured pool. Maybe theres a limit on how many you can buy.
  • Wicket329Wicket329 Member Posts: 3,692 ★★★★★
    Another way of handling the featured 6* would be frequent, minor updates to it. Every month, take the two oldest featured and six of the non-featured champs out and replace them with a new batch. When the featureds are removed, add them to the basic pool.

    So in all, you’re rotating eight champs per month, one third of the pool. The other two thirds stay for that month, and swap out another chunk the next month. The end result is a completely new crystal every three months, each featured champion gets the same amount of time in the pool that they currently do, and if there’s a dud month the player can space out their openings to avoid the champs they don’t want and target the ones they do more effectively.
  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★
    Yeah new champ acquisition is terrible.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Wicket329 said:

    Another way of handling the featured 6* would be frequent, minor updates to it. Every month, take the two oldest featured and six of the non-featured champs out and replace them with a new batch. When the featureds are removed, add them to the basic pool.

    So in all, you’re rotating eight champs per month, one third of the pool. The other two thirds stay for that month, and swap out another chunk the next month. The end result is a completely new crystal every three months, each featured champion gets the same amount of time in the pool that they currently do, and if there’s a dud month the player can space out their openings to avoid the champs they don’t want and target the ones they do more effectively.

    I think the issue with that is you could have people feeling like they missed out if the changing champs are better/worse.

    Similar to your idea, why not split the featured squarely in 2? Have 1 49 day crystal with 3 feature and 9 basic, and rotate. Or if Kabam want to keep a similar number of basic champs, what you could do is have 3 feature, 18 basic champs, but double the odds that you pull one of the 3 feature champs. That way you still keep the 18/24 chance to get a basic champ, but it's easier to target feature champs. Plus, 3 champs get added into the basic pool 49 days earlier than they otherwise would have
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