LF 1 Map 6/7 player

Celtic Elite Mafia is looking for 1 US or UK based player to replace a retiring member from our BG1. We run 77766 for BG1 and 6x5 for BG2 & 3 with heroic/master mods (Score: 470m+ with 4.8k glory). We have no minimums so you can do what you want as long as you're active in AQ and can communicate with your BG well.
Line is required, have at least 11k+ prestige and be able to handle Map7. AW is optional and stress free, we run 1 BG in Silver 1.
Line ID: Techoneforty
Line is required, have at least 11k+ prestige and be able to handle Map7. AW is optional and stress free, we run 1 BG in Silver 1.
Line ID: Techoneforty