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Nexus help

SIlverProfessorSIlverProfessor Posts: 506 ★★
edited September 2021 in Strategy and Tips
I don’t know much about Miles buff except I’ve heard he needs a dup and high sig. even with the dup is he worth selecting over dupping Domino? Thanks for your help.

Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on


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    ChaosMax1012ChaosMax1012 Posts: 3,098 ★★★★★
    I would probably do domino.
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    AidenTheWiseAidenTheWise Posts: 311 ★★
    Who you pick? Miles probably would be best tho
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    SIlverProfessorSIlverProfessor Posts: 506 ★★
    I haven’t picked yet. I’m leaning towards Miles. I don’t think Domino’s dup does anything special other than on defense. At least if Miles needs to be dupped this is the first step.
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    BeastDadBeastDad Posts: 1,585 ★★★★★
    The f is this crystal :|
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    SIlverProfessorSIlverProfessor Posts: 506 ★★
    Bought a kitty crystal out of the store and got a 6* nexus crystal and these are my options.
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    OMGJimboOMGJimbo Posts: 40
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    Ps_cr7Ps_cr7 Posts: 296 ★★
    Miles...I always go for new unless i use them a lot and they are op like AA, Nick,corvus to name a few.
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    SIlverProfessorSIlverProfessor Posts: 506 ★★
    I went with Miles. He looks like he has some fun features even without his dup.
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    LpooLpoo Posts: 2,215 ★★★★★
    If you could see that nexus a year ago and know you picked miles, how would you react?
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    ChaosMax1012ChaosMax1012 Posts: 3,098 ★★★★★
    Lpoo said:

    If you could see that nexus a year ago and know you picked miles, how would you react?

    Probably wouldn’t care since it’s the only new champ.
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