Update 12.0 champ nerfs

I've heard that 12.0 has affected many champs like OG Thor, SW, doctor strange and some more. I didn't play mcoc at the same time and I started playing it lately. So I just wanted to know what champs were nerfed and what did they get/lose with the update. So that I get to know which champs should I rank up
Something like this
Or this
Or that
I still feel those champs should be brought back to their original state especially SW, BW & DS. I understand OG Thor was too OP with his armor breaks and would solo a boss in 10 seconds. Those were the good old days. OG Thor will be forever missed of one shotting Kang!
The rest like star lord, pre-12.0 doctor strange, would still be really good today but not the the very top like doom, nick fury.
Then 12.0 dropped and they were nerfed. This was years ago, like 4-5 years ago.
Today they are all alright I guess. More trophy champs than anything. I wouldn't actually rank them up for content. Thor is actually still pretty good, but it's hard to get him as a 5* and above.
Sw was like cheating
Doc strange could be restored and still wouldn’t be best in game
I didn’t get the pleasure of the other nerfed champs. BW I hear was insane
Now, armour break is subject to diminishing returns, where each subsequent armour break adds on less damage then the previous.
So you could add Thor into the game now, and diminishing returns would remove so much of his damage, you’d think he was nerfed
I'm not sure how good that Rocket would be anyway, though Ægon is also capable of a very high crit rate now so...
With dr.S you probably can get all your health back with good damage as well.
Thor damage was just insane.
You don't wanna rank them up now, unless you have a fairly decent roster.
Today to almost get Scarlet witch back to her “former” glory and I mean only ALMOST, but not that huge difference is to use increased Ability accuracy synergy champion from Hawkeye’s synergy list.
Crystal drop rates for the most wanted champs felt much worst than it is now, and there were fewer champs in game.
thor armor breaks went to 2 but if they kept unlimited now a 4 star would still be probs smashing act 5 content and a 5 would pretty much do act 6 in 1 sp3 since his armor breaks were really strong still are now but since capped doesnt feel as strong.
but worse was trying to do lab and a parry hit would do way too much it was a really bad update till as someone said an update after it probs till this day i hate 12.0 update even though had to happen.
but personally with sw and her chaos magic it should be at least allowed to be stronger than most champs so does hurt knowing it got nerfed since lower % and lowered crit rate and dimishing returns and challenger rating.