Update 12.0 champ nerfs

Real_Madrid_76_2Real_Madrid_76_2 Member Posts: 3,580 ★★★★★
edited September 2021 in General Discussion
I've heard that 12.0 has affected many champs like OG Thor, SW, doctor strange and some more. I didn't play mcoc at the same time and I started playing it lately. So I just wanted to know what champs were nerfed and what did they get/lose with the update. So that I get to know which champs should I rank up


  • Real_Madrid_76_2Real_Madrid_76_2 Member Posts: 3,580 ★★★★★
    That's why I am asking it I am interested in knowing how those nerfed champs worked those days
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,882 ★★★★★
    edited September 2021
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    edited September 2021
    BW was never OP. She did used to be able to break blocks by hitting into them which fit her sig ability and was nice. They nerfed that specifically. The rest of her kit was nerfed indirectly by the 12.0 changes. The changes, along with the willpower nerf and the removal of the Leadership synergy was needed, though it was it was horrible at first with parry and block proficiency being nerfed to the ground. SW, Thor and Strange got tweaked after much outcry. SW and Thor became decent again and Strange remained garbage. Pre 12.0 and pre willpower/leadership changes, many, many champs were useless because they constantly healed opponents with willpower back to full health. No damage block teams ruled the game, and SW destroyed everything often keeping champs stun locked and power locked the whole fight just by hitting them, with stacked regen keeping her at max health lol.
  • DualityCopeDualityCope Member Posts: 436 ★★★
    edited September 2021
    Pre 12.0 Thor and scarlet witch even today would be way better than any other champs besides ghost and quake maybe. They were busted. The 4 star Thor prob did more damage than a 6 star r4 hercules today lol

    The rest like star lord, pre-12.0 doctor strange, would still be really good today but not the the very top like doom, nick fury.

    Then 12.0 dropped and they were nerfed. This was years ago, like 4-5 years ago.

    Today they are all alright I guess. More trophy champs than anything. I wouldn't actually rank them up for content. Thor is actually still pretty good, but it's hard to get him as a 5* and above.
  • TamamortTamamort Member Posts: 59
    Og Thor could do lol ws in 6 hits. Search it.

    Sw was like cheating

    Doc strange could be restored and still wouldn’t be best in game

    I didn’t get the pleasure of the other nerfed champs. BW I hear was insane
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★

    Pre 12.0 Thor even today would be way better than any other champs

    Even if you copy and pasted pre 12.0 Thor into the game today he wouldn’t be anywhere near as good. The game has fundamentally changed how it calculates damage from armour breaks. Before the change it worked multiplicatively, where each subsequent armour break increased the damage by more and more until you can get hundreds of times the damage you normally would. That’s how a 5 armour break Thor could beat WS with one sp3.

    Now, armour break is subject to diminishing returns, where each subsequent armour break adds on less damage then the previous.

    So you could add Thor into the game now, and diminishing returns would remove so much of his damage, you’d think he was nerfed
  • GrandOldKaiGrandOldKai Member Posts: 796 ★★★★

    Pre 12.0 Thor even today would be way better than any other champs

    Even if you copy and pasted pre 12.0 Thor into the game today he wouldn’t be anywhere near as good. The game has fundamentally changed how it calculates damage from armour breaks. Before the change it worked multiplicatively, where each subsequent armour break increased the damage by more and more until you can get hundreds of times the damage you normally would. That’s how a 5 armour break Thor could beat WS with one sp3.

    Now, armour break is subject to diminishing returns, where each subsequent armour break adds on less damage then the previous.

    So you could add Thor into the game now, and diminishing returns would remove so much of his damage, you’d think he was nerfed
    I think the only way to approach that level of Thor power would be to make his Armour Breaks reduce Armour by a flat percentage, but I don't think the game works like that anymore.
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
    you probably could’ve phrased this title better
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    You could search it
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  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,784 ★★★★★

    Not only were those champs nerfed, the entire game was destroyed because of 12.0. Parry and block proficiency were completely shattered, many 4* champs that people worked hard to rank 5 and bought t4cc bundles especially for SW and she was nerfed. It was a huge disaster and one of the darkest days MCOC has ever seen. Thankfully most champs were decently fixed and the parry, dex and block were better after another update shortly after.

    I still feel those champs should be brought back to their original state especially SW, BW & DS. I understand OG Thor was too OP with his armor breaks and would solo a boss in 10 seconds. Those were the good old days. OG Thor will be forever missed of one shotting Kang!

    12.0 had nothing to do with parry and dex. They changed how perfect block worked because of diminishing returns in that update.
  • GrandOldKaiGrandOldKai Member Posts: 796 ★★★★

    Hell they even nerfed rocket into the ground but I think that was after 12.0

    I think the crit rate changes were part of 12.0

    I'm not sure how good that Rocket would be anyway, though Ægon is also capable of a very high crit rate now so...
  • Real_Madrid_76_2Real_Madrid_76_2 Member Posts: 3,580 ★★★★★
    Kerneas said:
    Kerneas said:


    Something like this

    The second video looks like a hack but if it's real I guess I've seen everything possible in the game. The true power of odinson is required.

  • Real_Madrid_76_2Real_Madrid_76_2 Member Posts: 3,580 ★★★★★
    Rookiie said:

    Curious to know where you heard about the 12.0 patch. Was it from Prof Hoff by any chance?

    Rich the man
  • Real_Madrid_76_2Real_Madrid_76_2 Member Posts: 3,580 ★★★★★
    @Kerneas it just looks like Thor is definitely stronger than his father as said in Ragnarok. But more so ever it looks like a hack 😂
  • The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Member Posts: 7,804 ★★★★★

    @ Kerneas it just looks like Thor is definitely stronger than his father as said in Ragnarok. But more so ever it looks like a hack 😂

    It's not a hack. That's how powerful he was. Clearly needed to be nerfed.
  • Ps_cr7Ps_cr7 Member Posts: 296 ★★
    You could take 3* sw with crit team,back in the day, in war and roll all over them,even with links. I hope this clarifies her power.
    With dr.S you probably can get all your health back with good damage as well.
    Thor damage was just insane.
    You don't wanna rank them up now, unless you have a fairly decent roster.
  • The_HoTUThe_HoTU Member Posts: 445 ★★

    Kerneas said:
    Kerneas said:


    Something like this

    The second video looks like a hack but if it's real I guess I've seen everything possible in the game. The true power of odinson is required.

    The second video is of Mvinceable and he never cheats
  • DaddriedaDaddrieda Member Posts: 1,668 ★★★★
    edited September 2021
    You could win in aq with just 3* scarlet witch with lvl 99 signature.

    Today to almost get Scarlet witch back to her “former” glory and I mean only ALMOST, but not that huge difference is to use increased Ability accuracy synergy champion from Hawkeye’s synergy list.
  • 2StarKing2StarKing Member Posts: 855 ★★★
    All the champs in the game took a hit some more than others. The wonky WS ROL AI we now have is a result of v12, the domance of Thor, and the revive WS used to drop. I completed ROL with 3* SW and crit team. Heck crit team was a top synergy in the game. People tend to forget Cap WW2 ability for perfect block was also nerfed. War Dream Team was Cap WW2, Dr Strange and SW. I wish Strange and Cap WW2 get some love soon.

    Crystal drop rates for the most wanted champs felt much worst than it is now, and there were fewer champs in game.
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,882 ★★★★★
    edited September 2021

    It isn't a hack, it is real. The video was made by mvinceable, arguably the most skilled mcoc youtuber-player. I'd say it is a tie between him and MSD, with The Analyzer being close behind.
  • PseudouberPseudouber Member Posts: 878 ★★★
    This seems like it was enough to make people quit the game. If something like this happen now I could imagine.
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,752 ★★★★★
    Yeah 12.0 was terrible but they communicated a lot on the issue and made parry actually not take 10% health off every hit but sw crit got reduced dr strange gr life steal got reduced instead of how much they dealt it went to a fixed amount.

    thor armor breaks went to 2 but if they kept unlimited now a 4 star would still be probs smashing act 5 content and a 5 would pretty much do act 6 in 1 sp3 since his armor breaks were really strong still are now but since capped doesnt feel as strong.

    but worse was trying to do lab and a parry hit would do way too much it was a really bad update till as someone said an update after it probs till this day i hate 12.0 update even though had to happen.

    but personally with sw and her chaos magic it should be at least allowed to be stronger than most champs so does hurt knowing it got nerfed since lower % and lowered crit rate and dimishing returns and challenger rating.
  • Real_Madrid_76_2Real_Madrid_76_2 Member Posts: 3,580 ★★★★★
    edited September 2021
    Lol forget quake and ghost odinson has arrived 😂
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