Even if this was real, compensation like this without actualy revives and potions is kinda sucky. Don't get me wrong, I would love the shards and glory and t5cc and t5b part but the thing I need the most is revives and potions.
he was doing the opening of these crystals a moment ago
If hes in ur ally u can see what they pull from the crystals but i have to go with what others are saying that its a photoshop since theres been no package of comp today there was the other day but was just aq and aw resources
he was doing the opening of these crystals a moment ago
So he held from previous comp and used the words from recent comp. I hoards stuff all the time.
If was from a while back the date be different but it says todays date
You know you can make changes, right?
Yes but wouldnt that of expired by now its been 30 days no? Either way its defo most likely is edited to feel like it was a new one
Prolly as I've opened mine. But... the screen shot never expires.
Not that I'd ever do something like this but a screenshot of previous comp mixed with yesterdays aw/aq and topped with a date of something received today all put together is what this looks like to me.
The ext speaks of AQ and AW. I don't see a reason why such a message would be associated with crystals. It is probably a well planned prank, gotta give your friend that.
The fact of the matter is, if compensation was sent out and it was being slowly released based on progression level / character level / whatever possible metric, the forums would already have a lot of people talking about it, posting their pulls etc. This is the only guy that has come forward and shown their compensation? An hour after his and no forum user at all has had comp yet? It's 100% fake.
he was doing the opening of these crystals a moment ago
Another troller I see
Not that I'd ever do something like this but a screenshot of previous comp mixed with yesterdays aw/aq and topped with a date of something received today all put together is what this looks like to me.