Login Featured Champ Drop Rates

Is there any information on drop rates for the Featured Champ Login Crystal? A free 3 star champ is nice & all, but it would be cooler if I actually got something I'd use in other situations than arena. I've been playing over a year, & I've never got a 4* champ from any of the login crystals. I was just wondering what the chances were of actually pulling a 4* champ.
Nah, someone in my alliance got a 4* Hulk Gladiator. Lucky ****. It's rare but it happens.
100% not helpful.
the drop in Daily UC crystal is low...u will definitely get a 4 star champ but after opening it for around 40-45 times doesn't matter daily or not. And then the cycle repeats.
And I have never got a 5* only 4*s