Top 12 champs crystal discussion

Say who you want to be in the special crystal here.
2 champs from each class
Tech- stark spidey, doc oc
Skill- Crossbones, gwenpool
Mutant- iceman, archangel
Science- hulk, quake
Cosmic- Hyperion, angela
Mystic- Mephisto, morningstar
2 champs from each class
Tech- stark spidey, doc oc
Skill- Crossbones, gwenpool
Mutant- iceman, archangel
Science- hulk, quake
Cosmic- Hyperion, angela
Mystic- Mephisto, morningstar
Also, Kang, Thanos, and any other special Champion will not be included either.
Skill- DD (Netflix) and Moon Knight
Mutant- Magneto (Marvel now) and Colossus
Science- Luke Cage and Spidergwen
Cosmic- Carnage and Phoenix
Mystic- Iron fist and Loki
Skill - KP and GP
Mutant - Ice and AA
Science - Hulk and OG Spidey
Cosmic - Hype and Medusa
Mystic - Morningstar and Mephisto
he's super cerial
super duper cereal
who's kp?
Mutant - Iceman and Archangel
Skill - Crossbones and Gwenpool
Science - Quake and Captain America WWII
Mystic - Scarlet Witch and Magik
Cosmic - Medusa and Angela
Cosmic Hyperion and Thor
Skill Gwenpool and Hawkeye
Only ones I want based on my roster currently. for dupes.
Mutant - Iceman and Archangel
Skill - AV and Gwenpool
Science - HULK and Captain America WWII
Mystic - Morningstar and Mephisto
Cosmic - Medusa and KG
Mutant- iceman, AA
Skill- gwenpool, Hawkeye
Science- cap WWii, hulk
Mystic- dr.voodoo, mephisto
Cosmic- Hyperion, angela
No special offers or I'd say Redpool & Redpool for Mutant
Tech- Stark Spidey, Green Goblin
Mutant- Iceman, AA
Skill- Kingpin, Gwenpool
Mystic- Morningstar, Mephisto
Cosmic- Medusa, Hyperion
Science - who cares? can we just have 10 heroes in the crystal?
My guess is that most players will get only science since there are literally only 2 playable champs and both will be by far the weakest of the 12.
Also, it's a known fact kabam tracks your account progression so you probably will also get a champ you already have. Now let the "tin foil hat" callers make their gullible ignorant sheep comments.
No red Deadpool or og vision then?
Cosmic : Hyperion and drax.
Mystic: mephisto and scarlet witch
Tech : tech spidy and SL
Mutant : wolverine and ice man
Skill: Gwenpool and kingpin
Science: Hulk and Cap wwii(mehhhhhh)
Been playing this game for 2 years. I finally had to grind this past arena to get thor. While I would be a little happy to dupe him, I would be more annoyed than anything else after putting up 12+ million. And I have Angela duped already.
The cosmic and science classes are just bad. I guess I could hope for king groot since I didn’t awaken him when going for thor or for Medusa since I don’t have her?
Science, I don’t have a 4* ant man...I think that’s the only science I am missing.
but I like Moon Knight!
So many great new tech champ options—spark, gg, doc ock, yondu, nebula.
I love how you specified marvel now lol
Although, I think you are missing Jane foster instead of Loki
Iceman, AA
Hood, Magik, Dorm
Elektra, GP, CB
Doc OC, Yondu, Ultron, SL
CapWWII, Hulk, Quake
+1 for mentioning Scarlet!
I have her maxed all the way which is the only reason I didn't put her in my list!
I think most would agree that SW, Magik, and DV are the best mystics, but Mephisto and Morningstar are new so most are going to vote for new champs.