Top 150 AQ 8GMT+ Alliance LF > Two 12k prestige Players

Hi there! Season is drawing to close in the coming days and we are opening 2 spots for outgoing players. We’re top 150 AQ doing 7x5 epic mods and run wars for plat4 minimally( currently at P3 ). We are largely Singapore based with brothers from Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam, US etc as well!

Below are our requirements :

1) Prestige preferred 12k
2) Map7 experience ( no handholding and able to contribute on minis )
3) Prompt movements ( move every 3-4h, max 5h )
4) 7-9 GMT+ timezones are heavily preferred. EST/CST are fine as well as they complement our timezones

What you can expect in return is an alliance that knows how to have fun and gets **** done so everyone enjoys rewards together at the end of the day!!

Always down for a chat on LINE to share even more about us and our long term goals! Do add me @ vydra1 on LINE if you’re interested!!


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