
12.8M Expert Tier Alliance looking for a 5,400 Prestige member


We are an organized 12.8M alliance currently running map 5 x 5. In the next couple weeks we will start running map 6 day 1 biweekly to get us back into top 300.

Minimal donations of:
Gold 100k
Bc 30k
Loyalty 12k
The first weeks donations are free

Weekly requirements:
Active and finish line in AQ/AW
650 towards Duels
15k towards Completion
No arena minimums

We usually max all events even though grinding is not required and bounce between tier 1 and 2 for war. We are looking for someone to join after the current AQ/AW cycle.

Please contact me on line app Id: zerobits
So we can discuss further.

Thank you.


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