what's with the overtuned side quest?



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  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,449 ★★★★★
    TRONG94 said:

    What was the reward for AV boss quest? I thought most ppl would choose Sym Spidey quest like me for 500 6* shards per day.

    T4c + 1% T5c.

    Dr. Zola
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  • Duke_SilverDuke_Silver Member Posts: 2,421 ★★★★
    Used rank 3 Claire, was still annoying but that’s cause I played terrible as a result of just waking up lmao.
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  • RavenprinceRavenprince Member Posts: 2
    The only way to fully rank up the Summoned Symbiote is to complete the legendary side quests. Challenges are ok, but to keep most of the player base (<90%?) from getting a once in a lifetime champ (probably not very useful in the rest of the contest either) appears petty. Does Kabam lose anything at all from doubling the number of Kylantar catalysts or halving the rank up requirement? Even at half, one would need to do Epic sidequests for 20 days to fully rank up SS.

    That allows more people to challenge themselves in the one-time quest. Maybe 5-10% more users will get an additional 5 star, out of a limited pool of champs. The event would be a little more fun for a few more people, all of whom committed to a month long grind and not exactly with the rooster which regular forum posters have. As a casual player, I feel this month is a massive let down after how much it was hyped up - even mods said you should do the Sep grind because Oct is so awesome etc.

    <blockquote class="UserQuote">

    Kabam seem to forget that they’re in the entertainment industry, and this is meant to be fun. There’s absolutely no enjoyment to be had here… in fact I’m starting to dread some of content to the point where I don’t do it.

    Players seem to forget they're playing a game that provides challenges. There really isn't anything wrong with this difficulty at all. You can plan ahead and everything. It's the same Heath Pools as Cab difficulty.

  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★
    Mollinary said:

    Mastic difficulty is for uncollected
    Legendary for Tronebreakers

    Where is content for cavalier
    Do I miss something because I don’t see eny content for me.
    I see only huge push to jump to tronebreaket level and nothing else. Like the only reason to play this game is progress and spending more money.

    Where is fun… ????

    U want us to tell you where the fun is?... Why do u even play then?...
    Let me guess fun is gambling on crystals hoping for those god tier champs....
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  • WOLF_LINKWOLF_LINK Member Posts: 1,376 ★★★★
    I did the one with Venompool (350k Gold) cause I have tons of ISO and the other stuff to R3 some more Champs (still left from SoP) but no Gold.

    Was pretty easy with Doom vs. Cap Marvel and Archangels Neurotoxin for the others (on Legendary).
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  • QfuryQfury Member Posts: 1,860 ★★★★★
    mmmbanyas said:

    I’m doing the 6* shards with Sym Spidey as the boss and my 5* AA rips through it. I have multiple formed t5cc thankfully but too many **** champs that don’t deserve to be ranked . I feel bad for the people that are doing that Agent Venom…and DAILY? Losing all hope with Kabam.

    Quick question... How do you select the 6* shards quest?... I had agent venom boss
  • AntzRodzAntzRodz Member Posts: 259 ★★★
    edited October 2021
    @Qfury select the quest from the image according to the number mentioned..else before getting in the quest just select see Rewards .. it's quest 3
    Qfury said:

    mmmbanyas said:

    I’m doing the 6* shards with Sym Spidey as the boss and my 5* AA rips through it. I have multiple formed t5cc thankfully but too many **** champs that don’t deserve to be ranked . I feel bad for the people that are doing that Agent Venom…and DAILY? Losing all hope with Kabam.

    Quick question... How do you select the 6* shards quest?... I had agent venom boss

  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★
    I took the Cosmic Spidey Quest for the six star shards (which I’ll be going for all month) and it was stupidly easy on Legendary difficulty. I took in 5/65 AA and 6r3 Shang-Chi. I didn’t even need Shang-Chi.
  • hungryhungrybbqhungryhungrybbq Member Posts: 2,262 ★★★★★

    I took the Cosmic Spidey Quest for the six star shards (which I’ll be going for all month) and it was stupidly easy on Legendary difficulty. I took in 5/65 AA and 6r3 Shang-Chi. I didn’t even need Shang-Chi.

    Right, brought AA and Venom and didn't need to use Venom. Was half watching TV, half playing. I kinda wanna try the other ones to see what the fuss is about, but I also don't wanna lose out on shards. 😅 Hopefully the bosses rotate so those going for t5c can catch a break and we can see what's up with AV and Red Gobs without missing shards.
  • Darkknight_94Darkknight_94 Member Posts: 484 ★★★
    Than try the symbiote spiderman !
    You will know what hell is if u are not expert at dexing his sp1 !!
    That block damage is insane!
    Not fun to be honest, spcly when other side quest is pretty long like shang chi side quest!!
    Kabam know main inputs like parry and dexing not working properly and they are giving us way to over long side quests where parry n dexing is must in some scenarios..
  • BuggyDClownBuggyDClown Member Posts: 2,539 ★★★★★
    Monk1 said:

    I did the Sym spider quest for 500 6* shards..

    It has drax and Wolerine on path.

    It was a cake walk with r3 doom and r2 venom for the spider boss.

    I think you should define cake walk. Because I went in with same roster with same ranks
    Spidey has most BS nodes
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,449 ★★★★★

    I took the Cosmic Spidey Quest for the six star shards (which I’ll be going for all month) and it was stupidly easy on Legendary difficulty. I took in 5/65 AA and 6r3 Shang-Chi. I didn’t even need Shang-Chi.

    That looks like the easiest of the lot. I had mates who cruised that quest wondering what the fuss was about—many champs can handle it.

    The AV quest was far from impossible, but it wasn’t what I would have expected for a daily run. And if you get behind the prowess, even Doom’s block proficiency takes a dent from an AV special. Doom with Wags guidance for AV was the best I could come up with on day one. If someone has a more straightforward duo, I’m happy to try.

    Dr. Zola
  • hungryhungrybbqhungryhungrybbq Member Posts: 2,262 ★★★★★
    Bugmat78 said:

    Got to say after all the hype, only being able to do one difficulty level each day is a bit annoying.. When you add everything up it seems we are getting only a smidgen over the two months worth of SQ rewards for all the headache of last month.

    Agree that this event was definitely a huge miss regarding the Sept. grindy/confusing objectives. And I think Kabam really regrets it at this point:) But this month is offering 24k 6 star shards and 25% selector as one of the options. For example, or 10k 6 star shards, 25% selector and 28% random t5c if you go that route, etc.

    So the rewards are there at least. Its mostly the process to get them that folks don't like.
  • hungryhungrybbqhungryhungrybbq Member Posts: 2,262 ★★★★★

    Monk1 said:

    I did the Sym spider quest for 500 6* shards..

    It has drax and Wolerine on path.

    It was a cake walk with r3 doom and r2 venom for the spider boss.

    I think you should define cake walk. Because I went in with same roster with same ranks
    Spidey has most BS nodes
    If you used same exact attackers, only difference can be combat technique. Only advice I can give without knowing what the difficult part was is to attempt to manipulate Spidey into holding special.

    One common method is to stop your combo (MLLL) into immediate block (stopping without "ending the combo" allows your character to enter a block *before* the defender comes out of being frame locked/able to throw special) Another is reparry. You hold this block (discouraging the AI from throwing it), but then reparry after the first block hit for your next opening. Another is to knockdown, then display defensive behavior as they are standing up. Like two quick dashbacks, but this one works better for specials where first hit is melee.

    Now, if/when he *does* throw his special, block the webshots and dex out of the punches (they are what's unblockable). You can punish after this if you are countering the evade mechanic (via Venom for example).

    But, frankly.. I just found AA to be easier. Get Neuros, try to discourage specials.
  • ImranImran Member Posts: 587 ★★★
    U didn’t fight agent venom, he is super tough.
  • Timbo5746Timbo5746 Member Posts: 10
    Y'all really do like to complain about everything .. if the legendary difficulty is too difficult .. try an easier difficulty! If you have not figured out how to use the tools available to you - like the preview button .. you should probably learn that skill and come back to the game!

    The game is fun .. even when it's difficult - IF you have the skills to get stuff done! When I complete a difficult challenge in the game - unless I sucked and was forced to use 5 million items .. I am usually super pumped and feel great about the achievement!

    It's 3 opponents .. bring the correct counters .. if you don't have the correct counters for ANY of the quests .. you should probably pick a more forgiving difficulty ..

    Pick a quest based on what is easy for you and your roster .. you might not get the rewards you want .. but you will be able to upgrade your baby symbiote .. and you won't have to use items!

    Learn to play smart and stop expecting kabam to make everything easy for you! They can barely make sure that the game is playable for all the glitches - but you expect them to make it easy as well?! Reality is not your friend!
  • Jwallace25Jwallace25 Member Posts: 481 ★★★
    edited October 2021
    Games are supposed to be fun and not make you frustrated. I think I will skip this side quest because it isn't worth the frustration and stress.
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