Do you think things are getting a bit more complicated day by day?

Yes it's a game and everyone has their own perspective towards it. Generally, it falls into two categories -
1. People who play for fun as a stress buster.
2. People who are super competitive.
Kabam is doing all it can to try and keep things interesting and people engaged. But as a player who has been with the game since its first year and someone who falls in category 1, I find that the overall ways of progression and achieving rewards are getting too complicated and tedious.
Yes, people will tell me to shut up and quit if I can't keep up, but one needs to remember a larger base of the game is people who play it for fun. That said my way of coping is just complete to content I want to and progress at a snail's pace. I won't quit, but I know people who have quit because of this after 3-4 years of playing the game and moved on to something else.
Do you think Kabam needs to keep this in mind as well and build the content accordingly with different levels of access for different people? Like gateways? Or just keep things simple.
Jeez, things have become a chore and the game feels like I have to do the dishes every day by handwashing them as my dishwasher is broken.
End of rant.
1. People who play for fun as a stress buster.
2. People who are super competitive.
Kabam is doing all it can to try and keep things interesting and people engaged. But as a player who has been with the game since its first year and someone who falls in category 1, I find that the overall ways of progression and achieving rewards are getting too complicated and tedious.
Yes, people will tell me to shut up and quit if I can't keep up, but one needs to remember a larger base of the game is people who play it for fun. That said my way of coping is just complete to content I want to and progress at a snail's pace. I won't quit, but I know people who have quit because of this after 3-4 years of playing the game and moved on to something else.
Do you think Kabam needs to keep this in mind as well and build the content accordingly with different levels of access for different people? Like gateways? Or just keep things simple.
Jeez, things have become a chore and the game feels like I have to do the dishes every day by handwashing them as my dishwasher is broken.
End of rant.

I left for six months or so because I was frustrated with that and the overall bugginess of the game.
I also haven’t spent any money on the game in over a year primarily because of these two issues.
It is another month wen we (Cavalier level player )don't have content designed to our level.
Epic difficulty is designed to Uncolected or even lower level players. Legendary is dedicated to Tronebreakers.
Where is sied quest for us????
Was not created because Cavalier is a level which supposed to be Tronebraker ASAP or quit the game.
Kabam don't giving us any other option.
The game has massively grown and some aspects have become much more complicated. However, we are all still able to play the game which ever way we want.
Monthly/Weekly content is not mandatory. Nothing is forcing you to participate in it so there's nothing stopping you playing as a stress buster. Carry on with AQ/AW, play some story or arena... You are able to fully ignore other things.
The more complex or more time consuming content is there for those who want it.
More content only for Tronebrakers.
I asking for treating fair, but I understand all tronebraker will not agree with me because you receiving more and more. But we players below this level receiving literally nothing.
This is one of the worst ideas the Kabam guy's have come up with. Please get rid asap you really are ruining the fun part of the game.
I'm not supporting this event or it's format. It feels very clumsy and the objectives part feels lazy.
However, I'm saying this doesn't have to ruin the game for you. All this content is optional. Plenty of people have done it because they do have the time or care about the reward but there is nothing at all stopping you from playing as normal and ignoring it completely
Problem is now Kabam totally abandon Cavalier clas. We currently got some autoplay content, a bit uncolected content, andTronebraker content. Which meen Cavalier player have to spend revs, healing potions to complete some Tronebraker content or do Uncoillected.
I dont complain about time and other issues. If you don't have time to play it is a other problem. But if you got time you will have something to do at your level.
But now Kabam giving to Cavalier level players, some content or to difficult content. which required spending more resources than is rationale to use.
You progress and you are rewarded with a far more complex game. The counterplay design philosophy has been amped up to 11 and is only getting higher.
I don't mind complexity, I did the Corvus and friends vs Bruce Lee quest without using units, but I don't want all my interactions with the game to be like that.
I did Act 5 on a side account a while ago and its pure joy just taking a team I want without planning on how I'm going to deal with every nuance of the quest.
I want to play like that on my main but at the same time feel like I'm progressing. Not currently possible.
Kabam's game, Kamam's choice and if the players don't like it ultimately Kabam's loss.
People who play daily will login and play daily, who don't probably won't.
Our small group of friends is in brink of of a collapse. People we get to know and are still in contact for 4+ years in "Your Game".
This is 'our' game too. None of us want this game to die.
People (in our circle, not commenting about rest of the community) have already called quits or taking a break without estimated time to return.
We all play in different alliances, who hangs together for the game discussions. These are good people who are also spenders , unlike me a f2p bum.
What's going on there kabam? You can't seem to understand the losses you are facing is due to your own design flaws. You need to realise summ(o)ners don't feel "appreciated" this year.
Grinding out our life is not a thing players want to see every month.
The emergency maintenance screwed up my arena rounds. I only get time to run my 6*s in arena once a day and most days with my daily schedule I don't even get through my entire 6*s roster. But enough to get all milestones in featured.
Fine!, just one day. But is it just one day?
Then there's last month's objectives. I did the fights in already completed content as you wanted us to(for 3 higher difficulties)
Now you are expecting us to wait 24 more days to Max out the symbiote. I would have pushed through EQ buying countless refills if the klyntar catalysts were in EQ like last time. You screwed up the already tested content from 2 year ago which was perfect.
Facing major dropped inputs everywhere.
Sure I'll use some of the AQ items you have provided, thanks for those. But I don't want to use those items, it's more of a principle that I want to get though AQ with no items.
I absolutely hate the fact that this is forcing me to write these long ranty comments.
Excitement is on down low.
Im looking forward to 7.3, hoping it keeps people engaging.
Edit: And your Buff Designer killed my OG Guilly.