Void is one of my favorite Champs and while he definitely gets a lot of benefit from being awakened, he is still very useful unawakened. The most important skill to practice to get the most out of Void is patience. He deals direct damage to opponents per Debuff on them and his Intimidating Presence ability ensures a steady supply of Debuffs to inflict his opponent with. Because of this, he can beat a surprising number of fights by simply focusing on staying alive and letting his Intimidating Presence wear his opponent down. (Though going on the offensive with him as normal obviously works too.)
Opponents who can remove Debuffs or ignore the direct damage can counter this, but he can still handle more tricky fights than you might initially think, especially if a node or some other ability can place more Debuffs on an opponent (Like Mister Fantastic's pre-fight ability.)
Opponents who can remove Debuffs or ignore the direct damage can counter this, but he can still handle more tricky fights than you might initially think, especially if a node or some other ability can place more Debuffs on an opponent (Like Mister Fantastic's pre-fight ability.)