Looking for Alliance

Looking for new alliance, can add whatever communication app is the choice of your Alliance.


  • ZephyrhillianZephyrhillian Member Posts: 14
    Alliance Quest no war
  • Honeymonster1981Honeymonster1981 Member Posts: 17
    Add damo666hanson if you are active and can clear map 5 AQ join
  • NinjahippieNinjahippie Member Posts: 265
    @Zephyrhillian still looking for an alliance? If so hit me up on line app @ ninjahippie13 or nipplehippie69
  • Xforce13Xforce13 Member Posts: 2
    search in the tag FPV13 and join my new alliance please :)
  • Deontay_Boyega1226Deontay_Boyega1226 Member Posts: 44
    Hey there - we're an AQ focused alliance, we run Map 6 with mods. We are Discord based and are recruiting for 1 player with at least 9k prestige. If that matches what you're looking for let's have a chat. My IGN is Deontay Boyega, my Discord ID - Deontay Boyega#2773
  • OnkyOnky Member Posts: 334
    Hit me up on line app onky707. I have a spot for you
  • PosheeshoPosheesho Member Posts: 45

    Not sure what you’re looking for or what you have. Let me know if this fits you
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