Petition to change title "The New Hotness" to "All I Got Was This Lousy 5* Deadpool"
Member Posts: 23 ★
I think the title fits it quite well since any other range got millions of gold while the top 1000 players only got a 5* deadpool out of the rewards that actually matter within the game.
I myself am one of the victims that unintentionally landed in that bracket
Please make it happen!
I myself am one of the victims that unintentionally landed in that bracket
Please make it happen!
Petition to change title "The New Hotness" to "All I Got Was This Lousy 5* Deadpool" 14 votes
But yeah, actually a pretty doable Event with Cut-Off around 300 Points for the 5* Deadpool.
P.S.: I got the Gold and Units just as planned/expected.