Bug act 4-2-6 magneto bug [Not A Bug]

FanoinFanoin Member Posts: 165
edited November 2017 in Bugs and Known Issues
I hit magneto twice with guillotine s-2 I saw the hit register but the curse was not applied both times I used magneto against him and again heal block was never applied to him. He is not on an immunity node just stun gamblers fate double down and two regens so guillotine s-2 should have worked. You have proven to the community that you only fix bugs that give the game an edge and never fix the bugs that give the player an edge otherwise I would not be having the issue of total loss of contr9l of my champions in harder content and high streak counts which have been reported to you for months now.

I feel that you owe me 600 units that it cost me to get that chapter to the final path only to run into an unbeatable opponent thus making this part of the quest unbeatable

Prove me wrong and actually fix a quest breaking bug
Post edited by Kabam Wolf on


  • LightvayneLightvayne Member Posts: 525 ★★★
    edited November 2017
    Fanoin wrote: »
    I feel that you owe me 600 units that it cost me to get that chapter to the final path only to run into an unbeatable opponent thus making this part of the quest unbeatable

    Its ridiculous requests like this that mods never take players seriously -_-;

    4-2-6 is very beatable. It is also very possible the Gully did not have enough souls to activate the debuff. Get some video proof next time which may be helpful.

    EDIT: forgot about that magnetism pointed out below. Also a very good cause.
  • IAmNotUrMomIAmNotUrMom Member Posts: 648 ★★★
    It is not a bug. @MikeHock is right.

    If you have enough revives farmed (guessing not though) then you can actually quit the match and hope that gambler's fate gets him with a degen and heal block buff.
  • ThatGuy214ThatGuy214 Member Posts: 311 ★★
    The key to mags is use DS awakened he the best to counter spell the heal
  • StefffStefff Member Posts: 121
    It is not a bug. @MikeHock is right.

    If you have enough revives farmed (guessing not though) then you can actually quit the match and hope that gambler's fate gets him with a degen and heal block buff.

    You won't even need revives, because you'll just restart with full health each time due to the fact that this content came out pre - 12.0.
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  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,817 ★★★★★
    edited November 2017
    Fanoin wrote: »
    Had this argument with alliance guillotine s-2 does not have a numerical value therefore cannot be reduced by 60% therefore accuracy does not affect the second part of her attack. You might then say that since it's not stated you can assume 100% but champs have abilities that actually say 100% and when you fight certain champs you can see the reduction. So what happens is the game is trying to reduce a non number and it can't so since it cannot reduce 0 by 60% it just discounts the ability all the time. Therefore it is a bug. Guillotine ability is by touch I touch him he has it therefore not affected by accuracy.

    It's not a bug because you and your alliance mates want it to be.

    Magnetized heroes suffer from reduced ability accuracy: crossbones, vision, iron man, guilltone, colossus, civil warrior, nebula, etc.. It's been this way for as long as magneto and guillotine have been in the game.

    Use a nullify or fate seal champ, use magneto, Use Starlord if you have them. Use boosts.
  • caligarelinquocaligarelinquo Member Posts: 218
    Sorry OP, no bug here, I too had problems using Guilly, luckily i did have Magik, so I spammed her SP1 to nullify his regen every time. That worked for me, but there are other ways to take him down as well. YouTube is your friend. :smile:
  • IAmNotUrMomIAmNotUrMom Member Posts: 648 ★★★
    Stefff wrote: »
    It is not a bug. @MikeHock is right.

    If you have enough revives farmed (guessing not though) then you can actually quit the match and hope that gambler's fate gets him with a degen and heal block buff.

    You won't even need revives, because you'll just restart with full health each time due to the fact that this content came out pre - 12.0.

    Ha, never knew that. It's been so long since I have even played a quest in Act 4. Good catch. @Fanoin Take Stefff's advice: start the fight with Magneto and hope for a heal block from Gambler's fate. Then you need to just not die and kill him.
  • Vossler77Vossler77 Member Posts: 683 ★★
    Easy fight. Yondu does very well. Sp1 rince repeat.
  • Kabam WolfKabam Wolf Member Posts: 1,277 ★★★
    Hey @Fanoin. The other comments in this thread are correct; Guillotine's ability is being reduced by Magneto. While there may not be a numerical value that appears on screen, the ability accuracy can still be reduced. I hope this information helps, and I'm going to go ahead and close this thread now.
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