Looking for a relax ally

Hello veteran player here. Looking for relax alliance for 3-day ally events only. I’m not interested on AQ or war at this time.
KyrieShark is my Line ID and IGN

Thank you


  • OnkyOnky Member Posts: 334
    If you can swing AQ, I have room. Wars optional. Onky707 line id. It's pretty relaxed, bit need to at least take care of aq
  • JubesNoobsJubesNoobs Member Posts: 53
    You could join mine. Add me on line: JubesNoobs
  • mortenhymortenhy Member Posts: 492 ★★
    Hit me up on Line: mortenhy

  • B00gerbuttB00gerbutt Member Posts: 22
    My ally needs you. Synfm
  • gindfgindf Member Posts: 106

    How are you?
    Still looking for a new alliance?

    We are the Milano [TMLNO], a chill international alliance doing map554 and we don't have enough willing to participate in AW.

    We have growing accounts and vets sharing wisdom, located in Africa, America, Asia, Europe and Oceania.

    If you're interested or want more information, find me on Line: gindf. (with the dot) or in game: gindf (without).


    Check us out!

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