Parry and Controls Issue

This is regarding the continued parry and controls issue that the whole world is very well aware of now. Being into software development field I do understand how irritating bug fixing and issue solving could be. But what I don't understand is, Kabam keeps compensating with Alliance health potions and revives etc which hardly covers 1/10th of all the fields of the game, that are heavily impacted.
For Example, how do you think these freebies compensate for the lost Arena Streaks because of these issues? How do you think you guys can compensate for the precious time I've lost because of this issue in such scenarios?
Another pointer, as aforesaid I do understand bug solving could really be hectic, but is it really acceptable to have the MOST BASIC part of your game/app, broken? Not for a few hours, day, weeks but for about more than a couple months already now? And still having no deadline to fix it? Even when the root cause os known?
I know for a fact when Kabam needs money, it introduces tougher quests, but what should the players do who have built a profile over years, but it is so broke now that instead of giving pleasures, all your game brings in people's life are the following:
1. Irritation/Disappointment of failing after performing the best
2. Waste of Precious Time
3. Unnecessary expense(hard earned real money), because you fail to fulfill the basic needs.
Please do understand that there is a limit to people's patience and it will run out sooner or later.
Do understand that the compensations you provide often end up in the stash and expires because even the compensations are not well thought of, unless you guys are planning to piss off the loyal customers you have?
It's unbalanced and unplanned in every possible manner. Losing an arena streak is no joke and it spoils an hour or half, of effort to build it again.
Now can you justify any of these above mentioned problems in a way that you really think is capable of making any sense?
Expecting the wisest of your planners to address to my concerns.
Not so Thankful,
A frustrated FTP Gamer(Blizzard_Bomber)
This is regarding the continued parry and controls issue that the whole world is very well aware of now. Being into software development field I do understand how irritating bug fixing and issue solving could be. But what I don't understand is, Kabam keeps compensating with Alliance health potions and revives etc which hardly covers 1/10th of all the fields of the game, that are heavily impacted.
For Example, how do you think these freebies compensate for the lost Arena Streaks because of these issues? How do you think you guys can compensate for the precious time I've lost because of this issue in such scenarios?
Another pointer, as aforesaid I do understand bug solving could really be hectic, but is it really acceptable to have the MOST BASIC part of your game/app, broken? Not for a few hours, day, weeks but for about more than a couple months already now? And still having no deadline to fix it? Even when the root cause os known?
I know for a fact when Kabam needs money, it introduces tougher quests, but what should the players do who have built a profile over years, but it is so broke now that instead of giving pleasures, all your game brings in people's life are the following:
1. Irritation/Disappointment of failing after performing the best
2. Waste of Precious Time
3. Unnecessary expense(hard earned real money), because you fail to fulfill the basic needs.
Please do understand that there is a limit to people's patience and it will run out sooner or later.
Do understand that the compensations you provide often end up in the stash and expires because even the compensations are not well thought of, unless you guys are planning to piss off the loyal customers you have?
It's unbalanced and unplanned in every possible manner. Losing an arena streak is no joke and it spoils an hour or half, of effort to build it again.
Now can you justify any of these above mentioned problems in a way that you really think is capable of making any sense?
Expecting the wisest of your planners to address to my concerns.
Not so Thankful,
A frustrated FTP Gamer(Blizzard_Bomber)
The worse part of it is that, nowadays many of the champions are having abilities that impacts your parry and dex, so it has become impossible to figure out if the parry failed because of the ability or because of the issue.
Even harder to tell if these abilities are breaking down the whole functionality of Dex and Parry. No screen record can help you confirm that.
We thank you in advance for your continued support and cooperation!
But thank you for taking your time to address the issue and give us an insight.