Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Game down? [Merged Threads]



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    Oh now it emergency maintenance. So much for "ASAP" πŸ˜’πŸ™„
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    kraioszerokraioszero Posts: 148 β˜…

    Lovely, eh? Let’s hope asap is soon

    As Soon As Perharps...
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    KhanMedinaKhanMedina Posts: 927 β˜…β˜…β˜…
    Back up for me on iOS and Android
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    SCARESCARE Posts: 149
    ASAP stands for as slow as possible XD
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    adamlar4102adamlar4102 Posts: 18 β˜…
    Keep dreaming with a million likes in Facebook.
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    Reg_MontanaReg_Montana Posts: 30 β˜…
    I'm waiting for my rank down tickets after the maintenance and maybe an awakening gem 4*.
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    Probably be back in an hour
    But that is really longgg
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    SCARESCARE Posts: 149
    everyone is gonna just dislike their FB page now lol
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    Reg_MontanaReg_Montana Posts: 30 β˜…
    I'm quite going for EA. They are what a company can/should be.
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    SCARESCARE Posts: 149
    edited November 2017
    at least EA has better games and actually tries to fix things
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    Its back on
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    AshtontonicAshtontonic Posts: 63 β˜…
    when Dc happen, steps to resolve

    Step 1: restart ur device, if it doesnt work, please move to step 2
    Step 2: restart ur network (wifi or data), if it doesnt work
    Step 3: please fill up a crash report and we will get back to you soon
    Step 4: we're sorry for the inconvenience cause; if it doesnt work please repeat step 1.
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