MCoC's Spender-bias

In this game, Kabam has an obvious bias towards people that spend money on the game. Guys that have been playing for a couple of months, who are huge spenders, have duped Spiderman (Stark Enhanced), Gwenpool, Hyperion and Hood (ALL DUPED) as 5-stars. Whereas I, who enjoys the game but doesn't spend money on it, get **** like duped Antman, Rocket, Black Panther. All the **** reject Champs.
I just want to know if I'm the only one noticing these trends, or am I wrong?
Also, what is the drop-rate for higher-tier Champs in the standard 5-star crystal?
In this game, Kabam has an obvious bias towards people that spend money on the game. Guys that have been playing for a couple of months, who are huge spenders, have duped Spiderman (Stark Enhanced), Gwenpool, Hyperion and Hood (ALL DUPED) as 5-stars. Whereas I, who enjoys the game but doesn't spend money on it, get **** like duped Antman, Rocket, Black Panther. All the **** reject Champs.
I just want to know if I'm the only one noticing these trends, or am I wrong?
Also, what is the drop-rate for higher-tier Champs in the standard 5-star crystal?
And spending doesn't affect drop rate
Huge spenders have a ton more 5* shards coming their way from 4* dupes, being in alliances that run top tier AW....etc.
They get enough shards to buy more feature 5* 15k crystals and regular ones...the more crystals you open...the more chances you get at those top tier champs.
grats on 4k posts
I really don't pay attention to how many Posts I have. It's just a number.
I'm a big spender and I'm 6 for 68 on 5* featured crystals so if you think thats lucky then I guess I am.
Know plenty of spenders in this game...they also go long stretches without seeing a 4* champ in PHCs...
Then again if you are using time as your measurement....that will give you faulty results....a spender will open more crystals in a month than you do....they have more chances at getting a 4* yes, in a month a spender will likely open more 4*s than you do.
Oh, and it is dumb to call out @GroundedWisdom when others in this thread have given the same answer
You seem to be saying that your own personal experience should be enough proof to convince you, but doesn't that mean everyone who doesn't have your experience should have enough proof to believe you are wrong? Anecdotes can be powerful, but everyone has a different experience and if you believe yours is all you need, everyone else should believe the same thing and you have no way to convince anyone of anything other than what they personally see with their own two eyes.
I haven't seen any specific trend on crystal spins between people who spend and people who don't. Averaged across all unbiased crystal reports, I don't see a trend either. If there is any skew in how the crystals select any particular champion in a particular pool, it has to be so small it is impossible for players to measure across a lot of spins in many accounts. And anything that small is also something no single player can credibly claim to have proven to exist.
I had my first Atrari in 1980. Got ya more than covered there....
I get what you are saying in regards to console games using this is totally **** for a game that you have purchased. I love Star Wars....but will not touch Battlefront 2 (except the original XBox one...that still rules).
But to come into a free2play mobile game, angry about RNG **** is like getting mad at fire for burning you. RNG stuff is what these games do.
I don't think swinging resumes is going to work in your favor. I've actually tested PRNG implementations in an MMO and worked with developers to address issues with them. I know what to look for in a broken implementation, having definitively found and helped resolve those problems in the past.
We are on a different level of experience, but I won't hold that against you.
You can't know that. I've played with a group for a long time and I've seen several accounts that are consistently lucky with all crystals. Kabam has never actually said that the drop rates are the same for everyone, it's always a nebulous "internal system" thing. Not saying I think the drop rate is better for people who pay though. I actually don't think it is. I've seen lots of spenders with garbage crystal luck.
Technically, they have said the drops rates are the same for everyone, because they have consistently said that unless specified by some special feature of the crystal (i.e. featured crystals) the drop rate for all champions within the same subpool of the crystal (when a crystal has different pools, such as featured 5* or crystals with different star ratings in the same crystal) is identical. That can only be true if that is true for everyone, because there is only one way for the drop rate of all champions in the same pool to be identical. There are lots of ways for them to be different, but only one way for them to be the same.
Personally, watching way more crystal openings than I perhaps should combined with my own experience with crystal openings, I see no evidence for any sort of skew between individual champions in the same pool. The only thing I see which suggests an anomaly but which I have no hard data for is that when opening many crystals simultaneously the odds of two crystals opening to the same champ appear to be higher than random chance would suggest.
If you asked me to bet real money on whether I think any one champ drops more often than any other within the same pool across the entire game, I would bet that no champ is biased towards or away. But if you asked me to bet on whether the PRNG is has no sequential correlation beyond random chance my gut instinct says to take that bet the other way. I think there's a seeding issue, but I can't prove it. Not enough data to prove, only to suspect.
This would only increase the likelihood you will dup a champ if you open multiple crystals simultaneously, and only by a small amount. It does not increase the likelihood of getting any particular champ, and does not affect the odds of duping a champ you already have.
I've spent enough to know it doesn't change based on spending. Besides that, they have said it numerous times, and to imply otherwise is just conspiracy.
There's this youtube person (Briant Grant) who has not spend anything. But he's a bonafide nice guy with hard grinding
Finished Labyrinth 100%
And he has 5star Gwenpool, Starlord (with awakening Gem but not yet use) and Stark Spiderman
there's this OTHER youtuber guy (Seatin) who sure, pulls a lot of nice champs
But he went for Blade with 6 tries, didn't get him
Then loaded 6K units in Grandmaster crystals, didn't get him
Then another 6K units when the crystals came back, didn't get him
The drop rate is the same. It's just people with higher disposable income has more tries, so they can get more chance
If you buy ONE LOTTERY Ticket, chances of you hitting the jackpot ..........meh
But If you buy 50% of the tickets, then chances of you hitting it.........not bad
I have a few friends in my alliance, who do not have the gift badge.....their luck makes me hate them.......almost lolz