Venompool final boss fight possibly bugged.?
Ok so based on how the nodes read the more debuffs you apply the more charges you gain which is supposed to translate to every 10 charges on venompool is 10% damage now with 1% regen you would think it would regen him all the way back to full health but it does. I had over 20 charges on him used BWDO and it did nothing he just regen all the way back up tried Luke cage as well and domino… domino won’t even apply the charges. Is he bugged or should I rank up nebula or yondu sololy to heal block him but I dont think that will work since he shrugs them off anyways
10% degeneration in 30 seconds is just nothing compared to 1% of his regeneration which overpowers it in just 2-3 seconds to full health he just keeps healing.. no mater u have 20 snack charges... His health is not just going down even 2%
I do want to remind everyone though, this is a free game. While it could be debated that it can be “pay-to-win”, it’s still a free game.
So stop complaining so much, they’ll fix it eventually just like every other bug. They’re not “spitting on our face”. Be patient, it’s not like you NEED to beat this game today.