Although, once you claim them from Stash-Rewards, if the Energy and ISO are still overflowed then they go into Stash-Items and Stash-ISO, which have a new set of timers for themselves. So really, they do last as long as what the Mail message says (ultimately).
Thx i will claim them. But the time is somewhat off. For the full energy is 7 days to claim and 15 days on item stash so 22 days but i guess thats fine too
Always follow the STASH time.
Although, once you claim them from Stash-Rewards, if the Energy and ISO are still overflowed then they go into Stash-Items and Stash-ISO, which have a new set of timers for themselves. So really, they do last as long as what the Mail message says (ultimately).
Claim them before current 1 day timer expires.