3.5mil alliance with 26players looking for a few good men/women anyone good lol

Hello Summoners Our alliance name is the M-NWO my user Id in Mcoc is tinshammer so please read what I'm going to write and if you like it come and join us. Well where should I start I mean what do we do everything other teams do except we do give players chances. What we are looking for is people that actually join daily and play, Things will co,e up and if you can't play due to something important let us know we work with everyone. I'm also looking for players that can play all fighting events and also team rewards. We play AQ map 3 and 4 sometimes. 2 wars games depending on how busy we are with solo and team quest. I need players that will be active that play versus mode. It sounds like I'm asking for a lot but really this is what we do when we play the game. I prefer exp players or semi experienced. Lvl 30 n up with a good rating if not as long as you work on your rating in our alliance versus mode u can join us. We are accepting good players not I have an excuse every week players. I'm not trying to be an a hole but here's what I hear oh I have kids, oh I'm really busy, oh I work I can't play... well I work and do lots of things also but I play the game because I enjoy it. So if you enjoy the game and are ready to be a member possibly promoted to officer. We don't have a high turn on officers but I do replace if they become lazy or don't play. Enough writing come join the greatest funniest sometimes quietest alliance on gods green earth. My I'd is tinshammer thank you team. Hope to see and play with new mcoc friends.


  • godofthundergodofthunder Member Posts: 19
    Join this team they are good team to play with. They had some great players that grew up and created sister alliances
  • FreddyB63FreddyB63 Member Posts: 3
    I'm actively and don't make excuses. Game tag is MastaDon666
  • godofthundergodofthunder Member Posts: 19
    Freddy did request us tinshammer is my I'd
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