Actual compensation

I know this has been discussed over and over but I’m finding the gameplay to be draining, not only of my resources and cash but mentally. I was using this game as a way to connect with other players and just enjoy smashing some enemies. Currently parry/Dex works 1/3rd of the time, I’m using resources in AQ/AW and events that I never had to in the past. Kabam is apparently working on a fix but won’t be done until early 2022. So I’m the mean time we all keep plugging away hoping Kabam will do the right thing and offer compensation that people will actually use and frankly deserve. Just needed to vent!
If anything it would be nice if they could provide additional regular questing resources and tone down the amount of alliance items. I've personally had a handful of war resources expire because I can't use it.
On the flip side, I have solo items in overflow... but I'm not asking for it to be toned down because I know that every player's needs are different.
2) you wanting free stuff because you feel it's owed to you is pretty much verbatim all the stuff we don't want to hear from people when we discuss compensation. When we discuss doing things right by the community, we aim to be reasonable. We already have enough people in this community who have an unhealthy attitude of entitlement and they kill the fun just as much as the bugs do.
3) after reading some of the other replies in this thread I have to say that I fully support the idea of a weekly solo support package to help those of you who need it with other content but I have to be honest, I am one of the people who has benefited greatly from the current weekly Alliance support packages and I wouldn't want those to stop either. A lot, like myself who aren't the strongest players have actually been finally given an opportunity to grow as players and become stronger because we have a more steady amount of potions and revives at our disposal. So hopefully they consider doing something like that as well for the solo players.
After 6 months.. its pretty much an insult
When you make a mistake while playing this game, do you ever blame yourself or do you always blame the game?
Have we fallen into the trap of “the game stinks and it’s not me?” For everything
Wondering if anyone feels like that. I know I had to snap out of it a while back.
That’ll bring you peace and not claim compensation for everything. I believe at times we expect Kabam to give us revives and potions for every mistake
However wanting to be compensated for sth you did not lose (6* shards) is indeed greedy.
My advice to you would be to just take a break from the game. It's gonna be christmas, so you might wanna try to really just chill. Don't tryhard, turn on the game occasionally for fun and live your life a bit. Next year you can try to return with newfound will to play and hopefilly the issues will be fixed soon.
Rewards I’ve missed:
A week of summer of pain rewards (first week bug dropped)
Side quest rewards 2-3 months
Cavalier EQ rewards 2 months
Could I have done these? Sure. Would it have been worth the added revives and potions? Not in my opinion.
A week of summer of pain, a lot of people were able to adjust and do it. The bugs dont affect YOU only,
Side quest 2-3 months.. there was 2 months of no SQ, and the others weren't that hard.
EQ even with parry dex its not impossible to do itemless.
I read a lot of posts like this.. others saying "Oh i am TB, i should be able to do Cav EQ no problem!..." It takes a broad roster not a title to do things