Alliance Aq and Aw rewards

Hello Kabam. My game id is Brew the boss and I got kicked from my ally after aq and aw ended. I got kicked before the rewards came but I did the whole aq series and all 10 wars of the alliance war season. Will I get rewards? If I don’t that is an issue because I did the whole season of aw and series of aq just to get nothing.
Please give everyone in the same situation the rewards they deserve.


Brew the boss


  • FurrymoosenFurrymoosen Member Posts: 5,499 ★★★★★
    You obviously already know the answer. If you're not in the alliance when the rewards come out, then you're not getting the rewards. It sucks, you're not the first person to deal with it and you won't be the last, but that's the way it is. If it worked any other way, then players could technically get rewards from 2 different alliances, which of course wouldn't be a good thing.
  • But I mean aq and aw ended so idk why I wouldn’t get rewards. This has happened several times and I’ve never said anything about it. Tired of it. Just might take a break from alliances or the game
  • Alliances ruined my love for the game. They were never fun or rewarding.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    You need to find a good alliance. They can definitely make the game more fun.
  • It’s not me lol. Half the time I get kicked for not being able to play because of work that I can’t miss.
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  • SHIELD4AGENTSHIELD4AGENT Member Posts: 915 ★★★★
    Kabam should implement a system where, a player who participated in at least 5 wars will have the "kick" button removed from the alliance leader and officer's options when clicking a certain players profile.
  • RavenKeeperRavenKeeper Member Posts: 279 ★★★

    Kabam should implement a system where, a player who participated in at least 5 wars will have the "kick" button removed from the alliance leader and officer's options when clicking a certain players profile.

    That would result in a lot of bums screwing over alliances
  • FurrymoosenFurrymoosen Member Posts: 5,499 ★★★★★
    edited December 2021

    Kabam should implement a system where, a player who participated in at least 5 wars will have the "kick" button removed from the alliance leader and officer's options when clicking a certain players profile.

    That is, in no uncertain terms, an absolutely terrible idea. What happens if you catch one of your players cheating on war #6? What happens if they run the first 5 wars and then barely, if ever, participate in anything for the remainder of the season?
    I agree that the current system isn't perfect, but it is also what works best. Could they lock alliances between the event ending and the rewards coming in? Sure, but anyone kicked before rewards would just be kicked before the event ends, so it isn't solving the problem.
    The problem is that people exist and some people are either jerks that will kick people without caring and some others refuse or are unable to meet the expectations of the alliance they joined.
  • mixalisplaymixalisplay Member Posts: 50
    Join my alliance mixalisplayteam no stress
  • TitoBandito187TitoBandito187 Member Posts: 2,072 ★★★★

    It’s not me lol. Half the time I get kicked for not being able to play because of work that I can’t miss.

    So it is you. But: Real life first. Just find a relaxed alliance.
    This is the reality of it. If your ally has an expectation that players participate and clear, then the problem is you. Life happens, but not every ally has the same requirements or expectations. People always seem to want the best rewards (active allies), but can't or won't contribute to the same extent by everyone else in 5h4 ally to get them (life things or don't care to participate).

    Gotta find an Ally that has the same expectations as you, for your life style. Unfortunately, in most cases, but not all, that means your going to be sacrificing a higher level of rewards for the trade off if a more relaxed alliance, but that's how it goes.

    It absolutely does not work, when an active ally has even just a couple of inactive players. It is not fun for the active players to have to take on more fights and play more to cover that gap over and over.. No one likes to be a work mule. Every now and then, with good communication, is one thing, but it becomes toxic for good players. I wouldn't risk losing active players who put in the time and effort for inactive ones that want to ride the coat tails of the rest of the group.
  • OldMan73OldMan73 Member Posts: 20
    Did you complete your assignments 100% of the time?
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