Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

7 yr veteran player LF a new stable home

I am a very active hardcore arena grinder im usually in-game 7/24 and i have experience with high tier war and no problems with AQ map6-7. Im tired of bouncing between alliences im looking for a new stable home. You can add me in game: Celikhan


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    If you’re still looking we might be a good fit. HMU on LINE: crusader01
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    Running map5s across the board with mods gearing up to do 1 bg map6 when we fill these 3 spots. 2 bg wars
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    xDeThDealerxDeThDealer Posts: 21
    Are you still looking? We are recruiting DeTH Marauders
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    xDeThDealerxDeThDealer Posts: 21
    Sent you an in game friend request. Would love your experience and skill 80% of our team been together for a year or more. We are stable few spots to fill.
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    P3 ally, Aq map6x5 with modifiers. Contact if interested mate. Ty
    Line id adi836
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    Ally name zodi8
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    CourtbearCourtbear Posts: 167
    Your friends list is full
    Find me on Line if still looking: Courtbear
    Stable 40mil chill ally running maps655 with mods for 300mil, 1BG for AW optional
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    SBESBE Posts: 62

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    [Hunt¥] Plat 4, AQ76666 (400+M, top 500)

    If you’re still looking … we run one day of Map 7 and 4 days Map 6 in AQ, with reasonable modifiers to hit 400+ million and finish top 500. For AW, we’re generally Tier 4 and finish Plat 4 during the season. Off-season AW is zero stress and itemless.

    We are a good bunch of ppl, with most playing together for 3+ years. We have a very balanced approach to the game. Stay active but recognize that real life is important. No yelling or disrespect in chat.

    Alliance name: Hunters

    Alliance tag: Hunt¥

    Hit me up in Line @KAGIKAZE
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    CilikunCilikun Posts: 4
    Im still looking btw contact me on line: Cilikun
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    ThomildoThomildo Posts: 473 ★★★
    Cilikun said:

    Im still looking btw contact me on line: Cilikun

    Can’t find you on LINE.
    My LINE id is: thomildo
    We run map 5 and 2 bg’s optional war during season. The core have played together for years. Veteran accounts that don’t wanna stress.
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    racheyjjracheyjj Posts: 41
    Reach out to us if you're interested.
    We're a stable alliance at about 11.5k prestige, running maps 665 and 2 bgs in war
    Great bunch of people and we unfortunately just lost one of our best so we have a spot open.
    Reach out on line: weasaal. Or in game: racheyjj2
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    BocksaroxBocksarox Posts: 329 ★★★
    I believe I sent you a message on Line. @Cilikun
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    TW1800TW1800 Posts: 163
    I am just like you, Hit me up trey1800
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    JQ77JQ77 Posts: 59
    Can’t find you on line. You can reach me on line, My ID is jtnq77
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