7 yr veteran player LF a new stable home

I am a very active hardcore arena grinder im usually in-game 7/24 and i have experience with high tier war and no problems with AQ map6-7. Im tired of bouncing between alliences im looking for a new stable home. You can add me in game: Celikhan
Line id adi836
Find me on Line if still looking: Courtbear
Stable 40mil chill ally running maps655 with mods for 300mil, 1BG for AW optional
If you’re still looking … we run one day of Map 7 and 4 days Map 6 in AQ, with reasonable modifiers to hit 400+ million and finish top 500. For AW, we’re generally Tier 4 and finish Plat 4 during the season. Off-season AW is zero stress and itemless.
We are a good bunch of ppl, with most playing together for 3+ years. We have a very balanced approach to the game. Stay active but recognize that real life is important. No yelling or disrespect in chat.
Alliance name: Hunters
Alliance tag: Hunt¥
Hit me up in Line @KAGIKAZE
My LINE id is: thomildo
We run map 5 and 2 bg’s optional war during season. The core have played together for years. Veteran accounts that don’t wanna stress.
We're a stable alliance at about 11.5k prestige, running maps 665 and 2 bgs in war
Great bunch of people and we unfortunately just lost one of our best so we have a spot open.
Reach out on line: weasaal. Or in game: racheyjj2