Holiday gift predictions

Personally for UC, I think it's going to be:
i) 50k 6* shards
ii)) 2 6*nexuses
iii 3 T5CC Selector
iv) Generic rank 4 6 star gem
v) 10k units
Drop down your predictions below!
i) 50k 6* shards
ii)) 2 6*nexuses
iii 3 T5CC Selector
iv) Generic rank 4 6 star gem
v) 10k units
Drop down your predictions below!
Seriously though, maybe a 6* Featured as a top prize.
I don't expect much... which makes the gifts that much better.
ItsDamien is right though, no matter what people will be outraged.
Dr. Zola
1) Shards (any amount of any star level)
2) Sig stones (any amount of any class)
3) Free Fishbowls for Mysterio fans.
This was last year. This year you get a "gift card" that you can redeem in a store. You get to choose. Don't know why people keep making these posts.
Dr. Zola
Reality: 6 Star 1-2 Rank Up Gem
Best case scenario: a 6* AG Crystal
Worst case scenario: some 6* shards and/or a 5* generic gem.
One for awaking gem, one for Crystal and one for rank up
My optimistic guess for thronebreaker is. 6star awaking crystal, dual class 6star nexus or 50% of t5c
I will be happy with less, just what I think that is the best scenario.