Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Im a huge idiot, plz help

JoshKosh557JoshKosh557 Posts: 2,833 ★★★★★
So I was initially planning to bring cap IW into abyss but I ended up bringing prof x for abyss collector because I saw a some youtubers destroy him with prof x and while I did not expect to get him down in 1 revive, I expected a max of 20. Thing is, using prof x in abyss requires skill, something I lack, so now im at the collector, and he is at 55%. I took off 10% of that with prof x using 8 revives, and the rest with ultron in like 3. The collector is about to go bleed immune so ultron wont be an option so idk what to do and I only have 340 units left (I'll also get like 400 extra from my alt during gifting). Any advice on how to use prof x vs collector, and how I should spend my units? the fight in general is a lot worse than expected.


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    odishika123odishika123 Posts: 5,393 ★★★★★
    Arena time
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    KerneasKerneas Posts: 3,772 ★★★★★

    And as for Prof X what is there to learn except the usual playstyle?

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    DualityCopeDualityCope Posts: 433 ★★★
    edited December 2021
    Team revives and chip. You can also spend a ton of time duelling your own champions with prof x and become a prof x God.

    I would use the team revives.
    Post edited by Kabam Valiant on
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    AverageDesiAverageDesi Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★
    This kind of happened to me. I didn't have healing potions and only had revives. So I would die everytime I took 5% off
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    I_tell_no_tales_1I_tell_no_tales_1 Posts: 1,198 ★★★★
    Practice against someone with easy to Dex specials with 3* unranked or 2* ranked Prof x
    It took me 1 day to learn Prof x
    Check out "Bero man Prof x tips" on YouTube
    Prof x is easy to use
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    DaddriedaDaddrieda Posts: 1,595 ★★★★
    Don’t exit the quest. Just leave it as it is without exit and head straight to arena to start farming units and when you got enough then head back to the the collector fight in Abyss and chip off the health pool. That way you don’t need to restart the whole thing for nothing.
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    Scarcity27Scarcity27 Posts: 1,906 ★★★★★

    no matter the problem, op has my respect for bringing such a unique and different team to abyss

    He has my condolences for the same.
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